N-PX 1 tidal-sofi_npx.txt ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM N-PX ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT FILE NUMBER: 811-23377 NAME OF REGISTRANT: Tidal ETF Trust ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICES: 898 N. Broadway, Suite 2 Massapequa, NY 11758 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE: Eric W. Falkeis Tidal ETF Trust 898 N. Broadway, Suite 2 Massapequa, NY 11758 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER: 844-986-7676 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END: 02/28 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD: 07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019 Item 1. Proxy Voting Record. SoFi 50 ETF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fund held no voting securities during the reporting period and did not vote any securities or have any securities that were subject to a vote during the reporting period. SoFi Gig Economy ETF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELIVERY HERO SE Agenda Number: 711207983 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: D1T0KZ103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: ISIN: DE000A2E4K43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENT TO Non-Voting PARAGRAPH 21 OF THE SECURITIES TRADE ACT ON 9TH JULY 2015 AND THE OVER-RULING OF THE DISTRICT COURT IN COLOGNE JUDGMENT FROM 6TH JUNE 2012 THE VOTING PROCESS HAS NOW CHANGED WITH REGARD TO THE GERMAN REGISTERED SHARES. AS A RESULT, IT IS NOW THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE END-INVESTOR (I.E. FINAL BENEFICIARY) AND NOT THE INTERMEDIARY TO DISCLOSE RESPECTIVE FINAL BENEFICIARY VOTING RIGHTS THEREFORE THE CUSTODIAN BANK / AGENT IN THE MARKET WILL BE SENDING THE VOTING DIRECTLY TO MARKET AND IT IS THE END INVESTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THE REGISTRATION ELEMENT IS COMPLETE WITH THE ISSUER DIRECTLY, SHOULD THEY HOLD MORE THAN 3 % OF THE TOTAL SHARE CAPITAL CMMT THE VOTE/REGISTRATION DEADLINE AS DISPLAYED Non-Voting ON PROXYEDGE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND WILL BE UPDATED AS SOON AS BROADRIDGE RECEIVES CONFIRMATION FROM THE SUB CUSTODIANS REGARDING THEIR INSTRUCTION DEADLINE. FOR ANY QUERIES PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE CMMT ACCORDING TO GERMAN LAW, IN CASE OF Non-Voting SPECIFIC CONFLICTS OF INTEREST IN CONNECTION WITH SPECIFIC ITEMS OF THE AGENDA FOR THE GENERAL MEETING YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO EXERCISE YOUR VOTING RIGHTS. FURTHER, YOUR VOTING RIGHT MIGHT BE EXCLUDED WHEN YOUR SHARE IN VOTING RIGHTS HAS REACHED CERTAIN THRESHOLDS AND YOU HAVE NOT COMPLIED WITH ANY OF YOUR MANDATORY VOTING RIGHTS NOTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO THE GERMAN SECURITIES TRADING ACT (WPHG). FOR QUESTIONS IN THIS REGARD PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE FOR CLARIFICATION. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY INDICATION REGARDING SUCH CONFLICT OF INTEREST, OR ANOTHER EXCLUSION FROM VOTING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR VOTE AS USUAL. THANK YOU CMMT COUNTER PROPOSALS MAY BE SUBMITTED UNTIL Non-Voting 28.05.2019. FURTHER INFORMATION ON COUNTER PROPOSALS CAN BE FOUND DIRECTLY ON THE ISSUER'S WEBSITE (PLEASE REFER TO THE MATERIAL URL SECTION OF THE APPLICATION). IF YOU WISH TO ACT ON THESE ITEMS, YOU WILL NEED TO REQUEST A MEETING ATTEND AND VOTE YOUR SHARES DIRECTLY AT THE COMPANY'S MEETING. COUNTER PROPOSALS CANNOT BE REFLECTED IN THE BALLOT ON PROXYEDGE 1 PRESENTATION OF THE ADOPTED ANNUAL Non-Voting FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND THE APPROVED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018, TOGETHER WITH THE COMBINED MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR DELIVERY HERO SE AND THE DELIVERY HERO GROUP AND THE REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD ON THE INFORMATION REQUIRED PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 289A (1), 315A (1) OF THE GERMAN COMMERCIAL CODE (HANDELSGESETZBUCH - HGB) 2 DISCHARGE OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD FOR Mgmt No vote FISCAL YEAR 2018 3.1 DISCHARGE OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD FOR Mgmt No vote FISCAL YEAR 2018: DR. MARTIN ENDERLE 3.2 DISCHARGE OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD FOR Mgmt No vote FISCAL YEAR 2018: HILARY KAY GOSHER 3.3 DISCHARGE OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD FOR Mgmt No vote FISCAL YEAR 2018: BJORN OLOF LJUNGBERG 3.4 DISCHARGE OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD FOR Mgmt No vote FISCAL YEAR 2018: PATRICK KOLEK 3.5 DISCHARGE OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD FOR Mgmt No vote FISCAL YEAR 2018: VERA STACHOWIAK 3.6 DISCHARGE OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD FOR Mgmt No vote FISCAL YEAR 2018: SEMIH YALCIN 3.7 DISCHARGE OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD FOR Mgmt No vote FISCAL YEAR 2018: JONATHAN GREEN 3.8 DISCHARGE OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD FOR Mgmt No vote FISCAL YEAR 2018: JEFFREY LIEBERMAN 3.9 DISCHARGE OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD FOR Mgmt No vote FISCAL YEAR 2018: GEORG GRAF VON WALDERSEE 3.10 DISCHARGE OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD FOR Mgmt No vote FISCAL YEAR 2018: JANIS ZECH 4 RESOLUTION ON THE APPOINTMENT OF THE Mgmt No vote AUDITOR AND THE AUDITOR OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND THE AUDITOR OF INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ANY OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF THE COMPANY DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR: KPMG AG WIRTSCHAFTSPRUFUNGSGESELLSCHAFT, BERLIN, BE APPOINTED AUDITOR OF THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 AND FOR A REVIEW OF THE INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORTS AND, IF APPLICABLE, OF ADDITIONAL INTERIM FINANCIAL INFORMATION WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 115 (7) OF THE GERMAN SECURITIES TRADING ACT (WERTPAPIERHANDELSGESETZ - WPHG) IN FISCAL YEAR 2019 PREPARED PRIOR TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN 2020 AND AS FAR AS A REVIEW IS COMMISSIONED 5 RESOLUTION ON THE AMENDMENT OF AUTHORIZED Mgmt No vote CAPITAL/VII PURSUANT TO SECTION 4 (8) OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND CORRESPONDING AMENDMENTS OF SECTION 4 (8) OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 6 RESOLUTION ON THE CANCELLATION OF THE Mgmt No vote PREVIOUS AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE CONVERTIBLE BONDS, BONDS WITH WARRANTS, PROFIT PARTICIPATION RIGHTS AND/OR PROFIT PARTICIPATING BONDS (OR COMBINATIONS OF THESE INSTRUMENTS) WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF EXCLUDING SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS AND CONDITIONAL CAPITAL 2017/I; RESOLUTION ON A NEW AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE CONVERTIBLE BONDS, BONDS WITH WARRANTS, PROFIT PARTICIPATION RIGHTS AND/OR PROFIT PARTICIPATING BONDS (OR COMBINATIONS OF THESE INSTRUMENTS) WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF EXCLUDING SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS AND ON THE CREATION OF CONDITIONAL CAPITAL 2019/I AS WELL AS ON THE CORRESPONDING AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 4 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 7 RESOLUTION ON AN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 16 Mgmt No vote (3) OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 8 RESOLUTION ON AN ADJUSTMENT OF THE Mgmt No vote COMPENSATION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD AND CORRESPONDING AMENDMENT OF SECTION 15 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 9 RESOLUTION ON AN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 10 Mgmt No vote (2) SENTENCE 1 AND SECTION 10 (3) SENTENCE 3 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 10 RESOLUTION ON AN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 12 Mgmt No vote (2) OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 11 RESOLUTION ON THE AUTHORIZATION TO GRANT Mgmt No vote SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS TO MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF THE COMPANY, TO MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT OF AFFILIATED COMPANIES AND TO SELECTED EXECUTIVES AND EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY AND AFFILIATED COMPANIES IN GERMANY AND ABROAD (STOCK OPTION PROGRAM 2019) AND THE CREATION OF CONDITIONAL CAPITAL 2019/II AS WELL AS THE CORRESPONDING AMENDMENT OF SECTION 4 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 12 RESOLUTION ON THE AMENDMENT OF THE Mgmt No vote RESOLUTION OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF 13 JUNE 2017 ON THE AUTHORIZATION TO GRANT SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS TO MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF THE COMPANY, TO MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT OF AFFILIATED COMPANIES AS WELL AS TO SELECTED EXECUTIVES AND EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY AND AFFILIATED COMPANIES IN GERMANY AND ABROAD (STOCK OPTION PROGRAM 2017) AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONDITIONAL CAPITAL 2017/II AS WELL AS THE CORRESPONDING AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE 4 (10) OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IWG PLC Agenda Number: 710962336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G4969N103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 14-May-2019 Ticker: ISIN: JE00BYVQYS01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 TO RECEIVE THE COMPANY'S ANNUAL REPORT AND Mgmt No vote ACCOUNTS 2 TO APPROVE THE DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION Mgmt No vote POLICY AS SET OUT ON PAGES 65 TO 70 OF THE COMPANY'S ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 3 TO APPROVE THE ANNUAL REPORT ON Mgmt No vote REMUNERATION FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 4 TO AUTHORISE THE PAYMENT OF A FINAL Mgmt No vote DIVIDEND ON THE ORDINARY SHARES OF 4.35 PENCE PER ORDINARY SHARE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 5 TO APPROVE THE RE-APPOINTMENT OF KPMG Mgmt No vote IRELAND AS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR OF THE COMPANY TO HOLD OFFICE UNTIL THE CONCLUSION OF NEXT YEAR'S ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 6 TO AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO DETERMINE THE Mgmt No vote REMUNERATION OF KPMG IRELAND AS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR 7 TO RE-ELECT MARK DIXON AS A DIRECTOR OF THE Mgmt No vote COMPANY 8 TO ELECT ERIC HAGEMAN AS A DIRECTOR OF THE Mgmt No vote COMPANY 9 TO ELECT LAURIE HARRIS AS A DIRECTOR OF THE Mgmt No vote COMPANY 10 TO RE-ELECT NINA HENDERSON AS A DIRECTOR OF Mgmt No vote THE COMPANY 11 TO RE-ELECT FRANCOIS PAULY AS A DIRECTOR OF Mgmt No vote THE COMPANY 12 TO RE-ELECT FLORENCE PIERRE AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt No vote OF THE COMPANY 13 TO RE-ELECT DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND AS A Mgmt No vote DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 14 TO RESOLVE THAT THE DIRECTORS OF THE Mgmt No vote COMPANY BE AUTHORISED TO EXERCISE ALL OF THE POWERS TO ALLOT AND ISSUE RELEVANT SECURITIES 15 TO AUTHORISE THE COMPANY TO HOLD AS Mgmt No vote TREASURY SHARES ANY SHARES PURCHASED OR CONTRACTED TO BE PURCHASED BY THE COMPANY 16 TO RESOLVE THAT THE BOARD BE AUTHORISED TO Mgmt No vote MAKE MARKET PURCHASES OF ORDINARY SHARES 17 TO RESOLVE THAT THE DIRECTORS BE AUTHORISED Mgmt No vote TO ALLOT AND ISSUE EQUITY SECURITIES WHOLLY FOR CASH 18 TO RESOLVE THAT THE DIRECTORS BE AUTHORISED Mgmt No vote IN ADDITION TO ANY AUTHORITY GRANTED UNDER RESOLUTION 17 TO ALLOT EQUITY SECURITIES WHOLLY FOR CASH 19 TO RESOLVE THAT A GENERAL MEETING OF THE Mgmt No vote COMPANY OTHER THAN AN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MAY BE CALLED ON NOT LESS THAN 14 CLEAR DAYS' NOTICE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIAN GE INTERACTIVE HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 711093966 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G88764108 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 24-May-2019 Ticker: ISIN: KYG887641085 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE AND Non-Voting PROXY FORM ARE AVAILABLE BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINKS: HTTP://WWW3.HKEXNEWS.HK/LISTEDCO/LISTCONEWS /SEHK/2019/0429/LTN201904292766.PDF, HTTP://WWW3.HKEXNEWS.HK/LISTEDCO/LISTCONEWS /SEHK/2019/0429/LTN201904292758.PDF CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED Non-Voting TO VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS, ABSTAIN IS NOT A VOTING OPTION ON THIS MEETING 1 THE ENTERING INTO AND PERFORMANCE OF THE Mgmt No vote SHARE TRANSFER AGREEMENT DATED JANUARY 16, 2019 (THE "SHARE TRANSFER AGREEMENT") AND OTHER AGREEMENTS ANCILLARY TO THE THE DISPOSAL OF 36% EQUITY INTEREST OF JINHUA RUIAN INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED (THE "DISPOSAL"), INCLUDING THE REPURCHASE OBLIGATIONS ASSUMED BY THE GROUP UNDER THE SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT DATED JANUARY 16, 2019, BE AND ARE HEREBY APPROVED, CONFIRMED AND RATIFIED 2 THE DISPOSAL BE AND IS HEREBY APPROVED, Mgmt No vote RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED 3 ANY ONE DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY BE AND IS Mgmt No vote HEREBY AUTHORISED TO DO ALL SUCH ACTS AND THINGS AND EXECUTE ALL SUCH DOCUMENTS WHICH HE/SHE MAY CONSIDER NECESSARY, DESIRABLE OR EXPEDIENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH, THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AND GIVING EFFECT TO THE SHARE TRANSFER AGREEMENT AND THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED THEREUNDER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIAN GE INTERACTIVE HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 711042248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G88764108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 04-Jun-2019 Ticker: ISIN: KYG887641085 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE AND Non-Voting PROXY FORM ARE AVAILABLE BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINKS: HTTP://WWW3.HKEXNEWS.HK/LISTEDCO/LISTCONEWS /SEHK/2019/0425/LTN20190425713.PDF AND HTTP://WWW3.HKEXNEWS.HK/LISTEDCO/LISTCONEWS /SEHK/2019/0425/LTN20190425665.PDF CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED Non-Voting TO VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS, ABSTAIN IS NOT A VOTING OPTION ON THIS MEETING 1 TO RECEIVE AND ADOPT THE AUDITED Mgmt No vote CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE COMPANY AND THE REPORTS OF THE DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 2 TO RE-ELECT MR. FU ZHENGJUN AS EXECUTIVE Mgmt No vote DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 3 TO RE-ELECT MS.CAO FEI AS NON-EXCUTIVE Mgmt No vote DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 4 TO RE-ELECT MR. YANG WENBIN AS INDEPENDENT Mgmt No vote NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 5 TO RE-ELECT MR. CHAN WING YUEN HUBERT AS Mgmt No vote INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 6 TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE Mgmt No vote COMPANY TO FIX THE REMUNERATION OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY 7 TO RE-APPOINT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS AS Mgmt No vote AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY AND AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION 8.A TO GRANT A GENERAL MANDATE TO THE DIRECTORS Mgmt No vote TO ALLOT, ISSUE AND/OR OTHERWISE DEAL WITH ADDITIONAL SECURITIES NOT EXCEEDING 20% OF THE ISSUED SHARES OF THE COMPANY 8.B TO GRANT A GENERAL MANDATE TO THE DIRECTORS Mgmt No vote TO REPURCHASE SHARES NOT EXCEEDING 10% OF THE ISSUED SHARES OF THE COMPANY 8.C CONDITIONAL UPON THE PASSING OF THE Mgmt No vote ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS NUMBER 8(A) AND 8(B), TO EXTEND THE AUTHORITY GIVEN TO THE DIRECTORS PURSUANT TO ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 8(A) TO ISSUE SECURITIES BY ADDING TO THE NUMBER OF ISSUED SHARES OF THE COMPANY WHICH MAY BE ALLOTTED BY THE DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY PURSUANT TO SUCH GENERAL MANDATE OF AN AMOUNT REPRESENTING THE NUMBER OF SHARES REPURCHASED UNDER ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 8(B) 8.D TO GRANT A GENERAL MANDATE TO THE DIRECTORS Mgmt No vote TO ALLOT, ISSUE AND DEAL WITH ADDITIONAL SHARES OF THE COMPANY UNDER THE RESTRICTED SHARE UNIT SCHEME OF THE COMPANY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIRECARD AG Agenda Number: 711227377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: D22359133 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 18-Jun-2019 Ticker: ISIN: DE0007472060 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT ACCORDING TO GERMAN LAW, IN CASE OF Non-Voting SPECIFIC CONFLICTS OF INTEREST IN CONNECTION WITH SPECIFIC ITEMS OF THE AGENDA FOR THE GENERAL MEETING YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO EXERCISE YOUR VOTING RIGHTS. FURTHER, YOUR VOTING RIGHT MIGHT BE EXCLUDED WHEN YOUR SHARE IN VOTING RIGHTS HAS REACHED CERTAIN THRESHOLDS AND YOU HAVE NOT COMPLIED WITH ANY OF YOUR MANDATORY VOTING RIGHTS NOTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO THE GERMAN SECURITIES TRADING ACT (WPHG). FOR QUESTIONS IN THIS REGARD PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE FOR CLARIFICATION. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY INDICATION REGARDING SUCH CONFLICT OF INTEREST, OR ANOTHER EXCLUSION FROM VOTING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR VOTE AS USUAL. THANK YOU CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TRUE RECORD DATE FOR Non-Voting THIS MEETING IS 28 MAY 19, WHEREAS THE MEETING HAS BEEN SETUP USING THE ACTUAL RECORD DATE - 1 BUSINESS DAY. THIS IS DONE TO ENSURE THAT ALL POSITIONS REPORTED ARE IN CONCURRENCE WITH THE GERMAN LAW. THANK YOU CMMT COUNTER PROPOSALS MAY BE SUBMITTED UNTIL Non-Voting 03.06.2019. FURTHER INFORMATION ON COUNTER PROPOSALS CAN BE FOUND DIRECTLY ON THE ISSUER'S WEBSITE (PLEASE REFER TO THE MATERIAL URL SECTION OF THE APPLICATION). IF YOU WISH TO ACT ON THESE ITEMS, YOU WILL NEED TO REQUEST A MEETING ATTEND AND VOTE YOUR SHARES DIRECTLY AT THE COMPANY'S MEETING. COUNTER PROPOSALS CANNOT BE REFLECTED IN THE BALLOT ON PROXYEDGE 1 PRESENTATION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Non-Voting AND ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE 2018 FINANCIAL YEAR WITH THE REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD, THE GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND GROUP ANNUAL REPORT AS WELL AS THE REPORT BY THE BOARD OF MDS PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 289A(1) AND 315A(1) OF THE GERMAN COMMERCIAL CODE 2 RESOLUTION ON THE APPROPRIATION OF THE Mgmt For For DISTRIBUTABLE PROFIT IN THE AMOUNT OF EUR 167,833,280.20 SHALL BE APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: PAYMENT OF A DIVIDEND OF EUR 0.20 PER DIVIDEND- ENTITLED NO-PAR SHARE EUR 143,120,163 SHALL BE CARRIED FORWARD. EX-DIVIDEND DATE: JUNE 19, 2019 PAYABLE DATE: JUNE 21, 2019 3.1 RATIFICATION OF THE ACTS OF THE BOARD OF Mgmt For For MD: MARKUS BRAUN 3.2 RATIFICATION OF THE ACTS OF THE BOARD OF Mgmt For For MD: ALEXANDER VON KNOOP 3.3 RATIFICATION OF THE ACTS OF THE BOARD OF Mgmt For For MD: JAN MARSALEK 3.4 RATIFICATION OF THE ACTS OF THE BOARD OF Mgmt For For MD: SUSANNE STEIDL 4.1 RATIFICATION OF THE ACTS OF THE SUPERVISORY Mgmt For For BOARD: WULF MATTHIAS 4.2 RATIFICATION OF THE ACTS OF THE SUPERVISORY Mgmt For For BOARD: ALFONS HENSELER 4.3 RATIFICATION OF THE ACTS OF THE SUPERVISORY Mgmt For For BOARD: STEFAN KLESTIL 4.4 RATIFICATION OF THE ACTS OF THE SUPERVISORY Mgmt For For BOARD: VUYISWA MCWABENI 4.5 RATIFICATION OF THE ACTS OF THE SUPERVISORY Mgmt For For BOARD: ANASTASSIA LAUTERBACH 4.6 RATIFICATION OF THE ACTS OF THE SUPERVISORY Mgmt For For BOARD: SUSANNA QUINTANA-PLAZA 5 APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS THE FOLLOWING Mgmt For For ACCOUNTANTS SHALL BE APPOINTED AS AUDITORS AND GROUP AUDITORS FOR THE 2019 FINANCIAL YEAR AND FOR THE REVIEW OF THE INTERIM HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: ERNST & YOUNG GMBH, MUNICH 6 ELECTIONS TO THE SUPERVISORY BOARD THOMAS Mgmt For For EICHELMANN 7 RESOLUTION ON THE ADJUSTMENT OF THE Mgmt For For SUPERVISORY BOARD REMUNERATION, AND THE CORRESPONDING AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION EACH MEMBER OF THE AUDIT OR RISK & COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE RECEIVES AN ANNUAL REMUNERATION OF EUR 30,000, THE CHAIRMAN RECEIVES TWICE OF THIS AMOUNT AND THE DEPUTY ONE AND A HALF TIMES OF THE AMOUNT. THE MEMBERS OF OTHER COMMITTEES SHALL RECEIVE AN ANNUAL REMUNERATION OF EU 17,500, THE CHAIRMAN TWICE AND THE DEPUTY ONE AND A HALF TIMES OF THIS AMOUNT 8 RESOLUTION ON THE AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE Mgmt For For CONVERTIBLE AND/OR WARRANT BONDS, THE CREATION OF CONTINGENT CAPITAL, AND THE CORRESPONDING AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION THE BOARD OF MDS SHALL BE AUTHORIZED, WITH THE CONSENT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD, TO ISSUE BONDS OF UP TO EUR 900,000,000 CONFERRING CONVERSION AND/OR OPTION RIGHTS FOR SHARES OF THE COMPANY FOR A TERM OF FIVE YEARS. SHAREHOLDERS SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS SHALL BE EXCLUDED. THE COMPANY'S SHARE CAPITAL SHALL BE INCREASED ACCORDINGLY BY UP TO EUR 8,000,000 THROUGH THE ISSUE OF UP TO 8,000,000 NEW BEARER NO-PAR SHARES, INSOFAR AS CONVERSION AND/OR OPTION RIGHTS ARE EXERCISED (CONTINGENT CAPITAL 2019/I) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YANDEX N.V. Agenda Number: 935053328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: N97284108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 27-Jun-2019 Ticker: YNDX ISIN: NL0009805522 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Extension of the term for the preparation Mgmt For For of the 2018 annual statutory accounts of the Company. 2. Approval of the 2018 annual statutory Mgmt For For accounts of the Company. 3. Proposal to discharge the directors from Mgmt For For their liability towards the Company for their management during the past financial year. 4. Proposal to re-appoint Rogier Rijnja as a Mgmt For For non-executive member of the Board of Directors for a three-year term. 5. Proposal to re-appoint Charles Ryan as a Mgmt For For non-executive member of the Board of Directors for a three-year term. 6. Proposal to re-appoint Alexander Voloshin Mgmt For For as a non-executive member of the Board of Directors for a three-year term. 7. Proposal to appoint Mikhail Parakhin as a Mgmt For For non-executive member of the Board of Directors for a one-year term. 8. Proposal to appoint Tigran Khudaverdyan as Mgmt For For an executive member of the Board of Directors for a three-year term. 9. Authorization to cancel the Company's Mgmt For For outstanding Class C Shares. 10. Appointment of the external auditor of the Mgmt For For Company's consolidated financial statements and statutory accounts for the 2019 financial year. 11. Amendment to the 2016 Equity Incentive Plan Mgmt For For and general authorizations to the Board of Directors. 12. Authorization to designate the Board of Mgmt For For Directors to issue ordinary shares and preference shares for a period of five years. 13. Authorization to designate the Board of Mgmt For For Directors to exclude pre-emptive rights of existing shareholders for a period of five years. 14. Authorization of the Board of Directors to Mgmt For For repurchase shares of the Company up to a maximum of 20% for a period of eighteen months. SoFi Next 500 ETF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2U INC. Agenda Number: 935025216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 90214J101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 26-Jun-2019 Ticker: TWOU ISIN: US90214J1016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Timothy M. Haley Mgmt For For Valerie B. Jarrett Mgmt For For Earl Lewis Mgmt For For Coretha M. Rushing Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP Mgmt For For as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the 2019 fiscal year. 3. Approval, on a non-binding advisory basis, Mgmt For For of the compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTERO RESOURCES CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935017524 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 03674X106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 19-Jun-2019 Ticker: AR ISIN: US03674X1063 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Robert J. Clark Mgmt For For Benjamin A. Hardesty Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as Mgmt For For Antero Resources Corporation's independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2019. 3. To approve, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt For For compensation of the Company's named executive officers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASGN INCORPORATED Agenda Number: 935011914 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 00191U102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 13-Jun-2019 Ticker: ASGN ISIN: US00191U1025 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A Election of Director: Brian J. Callaghan Mgmt For For 1B Election of Director: Theodore S. Hanson Mgmt For For 1C Election of Director: Edwin A. Sheridan, IV Mgmt For For 2. Approve the Second Amended and Restated Mgmt For For ASGN Incorporated 2010 Incentive Award Plan. 3. Non-binding advisory vote to approve the Mgmt For For Company's executive compensation for the year ended December 31, 2018. 4. Ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche Mgmt For For LLP to serve as our independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BGC PARTNERS, INC. Agenda Number: 935017473 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 05541T101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Jun-2019 Ticker: BGCP ISIN: US05541T1016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Howard W. Lutnick Mgmt For For Stephen T. Curwood Mgmt For For William J. Moran Mgmt For For Linda A. Bell Mgmt For For David P. Richards Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLACK KNIGHT, INC. Agenda Number: 935015417 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 09215C105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: BKI ISIN: US09215C1053 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR David K. Hunt Mgmt For For Ganesh B. Rao Mgmt For For 2. Approval of the Second Amended and Restated Mgmt For For Certificate of Incorporation. 3. Approval of majority voting for uncontested Mgmt For For director elections. 4. Approval of a non-binding advisory Mgmt For For resolution on the compensation paid to our named executive officers. 5. Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP Mgmt For For as our independent registered public accounting firm for the 2019 fiscal year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLACKBAUD, INC. Agenda Number: 935003789 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 09227Q100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 13-Jun-2019 Ticker: BLKB ISIN: US09227Q1004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. ELECTION OF CLASS C DIRECTOR: Thomas R. Mgmt For For Ertel 1b. ELECTION OF CLASS C DIRECTOR: Michael P. Mgmt For For Gianoni 1c. ELECTION OF CLASS C DIRECTOR: Sarah E. Nash Mgmt For For 2. ADVISORY VOTE TO APPROVE THE 2018 Mgmt For For COMPENSATION OF OUR NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. 3. APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT AND RESTATEMENT Mgmt For For OF THE BLACKBAUD, INC. 2016 EQUITY AND INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN. 4. RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF Mgmt For For PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP AS OUR INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLUEBIRD BIO, INC. Agenda Number: 935003195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 09609G100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 06-Jun-2019 Ticker: BLUE ISIN: US09609G1004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Class III Director: Wendy L. Mgmt For For Dixon, Ph.D. 1b. Election of Class III Director: David P. Mgmt For For Schenkein, M.D. 2. To hold a non-binding advisory vote on the Mgmt For For compensation paid to the Company's named executive officers. 3. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935027955 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 163731102 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 07-Jun-2019 Ticker: CHFC ISIN: US1637311028 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. To approve the Agreement and Plan of Mgmt For For Merger, dated as of January 27, 2019, by and between Chemical Financial Corporation ("Chemical") and TCF Financial Corporation ("TCF"), as it may be amended from time to time, under which TCF will merge with and into Chemical (the "merger"), with Chemical surviving the merger (the "Chemical merger proposal"). 2. To approve an amendment to Chemical's Mgmt For For Articles of incorporation to (a) increase the number of authorized shares of Chemical common stock from 135 million to 220 million, and (b) change the name of Chemical to "TCF Financial Corporation," effective only upon consummation of the merger (the "Chemical articles amendment proposal"). 3. To approve, on a non-binding, advisory Mgmt For For basis, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to the named executive officers of Chemical that is based on or otherwise relates to the merger (the "Chemical compensation proposal"). 4. To approve the adjournment of the Chemical Mgmt For For special meeting, if necessary or appropriate, to permit further solicitation of proxies in favor of the Chemical merger proposal or Chemical articles amendment proposal (the "Chemical adjournment proposal"). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMSCOPE HOLDING COMPANY, INC. Agenda Number: 935036346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 20337X109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 21-Jun-2019 Ticker: COMM ISIN: US20337X1090 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Marvin S. Edwards, Mgmt For For Jr. 1b. Election of Director: Claudius E. Watts IV Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Timothy T. Yates Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Mgmt For For Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. 3. Non-binding, advisory vote to approve the Mgmt For For compensation of our named executive officers as described in the proxy statement. 4. Approval of the Company's 2019 Long-Term Mgmt For For Incentive Plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE LABORATORIES N.V. Agenda Number: 935019059 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: N22717107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 23-May-2019 Ticker: CLB ISIN: NL0000200384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Re-election of Class II Director: Martha Z. Mgmt No vote Carnes 1b. Re-election of Class II Director: Michael Mgmt No vote Straughen 1c. Election of Class II Director: Gregory B. Mgmt No vote Barnett 2. To appoint KPMG, including its U.S. and Mgmt No vote Dutch affiliates, (collectively, "KPMG") as Core Laboratories N.V.'s (the "Company") independent registered public accountants for the year ending December 31, 2019. 3. To confirm and adopt our Dutch Statutory Mgmt No vote Annual Accounts in the English language for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, following a discussion of our Dutch Report of the Management Board for that same period. 4. To approve and resolve the cancellation of Mgmt No vote our repurchased shares held at 12:01 a.m. CEST on May 23, 2019. 5. To approve and resolve the extension of the Mgmt No vote existing authority to repurchase up to 10% of our issued share capital from time to time for an 18-month period, until November 23, 2020, and such repurchased shares may be used for any legal purpose. 6. To approve and resolve the extension of the Mgmt No vote authority to issue shares and/or to grant rights (including options to purchase) with respect to our common and preference shares up to a maximum of 10% of outstanding shares per annum until November 23, 2020. 7. To approve and resolve the extension of the Mgmt No vote authority to limit or exclude the preemptive rights of the holders of our common shares and/or preference shares up to a maximum of 10% of outstanding shares per annum until November 23, 2020. 8. To approve, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt No vote compensation philosophy, policies and procedures described in the section entitled Compensation Disclosure and Analysis ("CD&A"), and the compensation of Core Laboratories N.V.'s named executive officers as disclosed pursuant to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission's compensation disclosure rules, including the compensation tables. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUSINS PROPERTIES INCORPORATED Agenda Number: 935030039 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 222795106 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: CUZ ISIN: US2227951066 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Cousins Issuance Proposal - a proposal to Mgmt For For approve the issuance of shares of common stock of Cousins Properties Incorporated ("Cousins"), par value $1 per share, to stockholders of TIER REIT, Inc. ("TIER"), in connection with the agreement and plan of merger, dated as of March 25, 2019, by and among Cousins, TIER and Murphy Subsidiary Holdings Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cousins ("Merger Sub"), pursuant to which TIER will merge with and into Merger Sub. 2. Cousins Reverse Stock Split Proposal - a Mgmt For For proposal to amend the Restated and Amended Articles of Incorporation of Cousins to effect a reverse stock split of outstanding Cousins common stock, par value $1 per share, by a 1-for-4 ratio. 3. Cousins Authorized Share Count Proposal - a Mgmt For For proposal to amend the Restated and Amended Articles of Incorporation of Cousins to increase the number of authorized shares of Cousins common stock, par value $1 per share, to 1,200,000,000 shares (or 300,000,000 shares if the Cousins Reverse Stock Split Proposal is approved by the Cousins stockholders). 4. Cousins Adjournment Proposal - a proposal Mgmt For For to approve the adjournment of the Special Meeting of Stockholders, if necessary or appropriate, to solicit additional proxies in favor of the Cousins Issuance Proposal, the Cousins Reverse Stock Split Proposal or the Cousins Authorized Share Count Proposal if there are insufficient votes at the time of such adjournment to approve such proposals. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDIT ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935001711 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 225310101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-Jun-2019 Ticker: CACC ISIN: US2253101016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Glenda J. Flanagan Mgmt For For Brett A. Roberts Mgmt For For Thomas N. Tryforos Mgmt For For Scott J. Vassalluzzo Mgmt For For 2. Advisory vote to approve named executive Mgmt For For officer compensation. 3. Ratification of the selection of Grant Mgmt For For Thornton LLP as Credit Acceptance Corporation's independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUITY COMMONWEALTH Agenda Number: 935009806 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 294628102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-Jun-2019 Ticker: EQC ISIN: US2946281027 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Sam Zell Mgmt For For James S. Corl Mgmt For For Martin L. Edelman Mgmt For For Edward A. Glickman Mgmt For For David Helfand Mgmt For For Peter Linneman Mgmt For For James L. Lozier, Jr. Mgmt For For Mary Jane Robertson Mgmt For For Kenneth Shea Mgmt For For Gerald A. Spector Mgmt For For James A. Star Mgmt For For 2. To approve, on a non-binding advisory Mgmt For For basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. 3. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 4. To approve the amendment to our 2015 Mgmt For For Omnibus Incentive Plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIVE BELOW, INC. Agenda Number: 935022208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 33829M101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 18-Jun-2019 Ticker: FIVE ISIN: US33829M1018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Catherine E. Buggeln Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Michael F. Devine III Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Ronald L. Sargent Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as Mgmt For For the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the current fiscal year ending February 1, 2020. 3. To approve, by non-binding advisory vote, Mgmt For For the Company's Named Executive Officer compensation. 4. Non-binding advisory vote, on whether the Mgmt 3 Years For frequency of the shareholder vote on our executive compensation should be every 1, 2 or 3 years. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORTINET, INC. Agenda Number: 935025672 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 34959E109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 21-Jun-2019 Ticker: FTNT ISIN: US34959E1091 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A Election of Director: Ken Xie Mgmt For For 1B Election of Director: Ming Hsieh Mgmt For For 1C Election of Director: Gary Locke Mgmt For For 1D Election of Director: Christopher B. Mgmt For For Paisley 1E Election of Director: Judith Sim Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Mgmt For For Touche LLP as Fortinet's independent registered accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. Advisory vote to approve named executive Mgmt For For officer compensation, as disclosed in the proxy statement. 4. To approve the Amended and Restated 2009 Mgmt For For Fortinet, Inc. Equity Incentive Plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GODADDY INC. Agenda Number: 935001557 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 380237107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 04-Jun-2019 Ticker: GDDY ISIN: US3802371076 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Caroline Donahue Mgmt For For Charles J. Robel Mgmt For For Scott W. Wagner Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2019. 3. To approve named executive officer Mgmt For For compensation in a non-binding advisory vote. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND CANYON EDUCATION, INC. Agenda Number: 935012726 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 38526M106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 13-Jun-2019 Ticker: LOPE ISIN: US38526M1062 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Director: Brian E. Mueller Mgmt For For 1.2 Election of Director: Sara R. Dial Mgmt For For 1.3 Election of Director: Jack A. Henry Mgmt For For 1.4 Election of Director: Kevin F. Warren Mgmt For For 1.5 Election of Director: David J. Johnson Mgmt For For 2. To approve, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt For For compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy Statement. 3. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as Mgmt For For our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEALTHEQUITY, INC. Agenda Number: 935028414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 42226A107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 27-Jun-2019 Ticker: HQY ISIN: US42226A1079 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Robert W. Selander Mgmt For For Jon Kessler Mgmt For For Stephen D Neeleman M.D. Mgmt For For Frank A. Corvino Mgmt For For Adrian T. Dillon Mgmt For For Evelyn Dilsaver Mgmt For For Debra McCowan Mgmt For For Frank T. Medici Mgmt For For Ian Sacks Mgmt For For Gayle Wellborn Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for our fiscal year ending January 31, 2020. 3. To approve, on a non-binding, advisory Mgmt For For basis, the fiscal 2019 compensation of our named executive officers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IAC/INTERACTIVECORP Agenda Number: 935017194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 44919P508 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: IAC ISIN: US44919P5089 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Edgar Bronfman, Jr. Mgmt For For Chelsea Clinton Mgmt For For Barry Diller Mgmt For For Michael D. Eisner Mgmt For For Bonnie S. Hammer Mgmt For For Victor A. Kaufman Mgmt For For Joseph Levin Mgmt For For Bryan Lourd Mgmt For For David Rosenblatt Mgmt For For Alan G. Spoon Mgmt For For A. von Furstenberg Mgmt For For Richard F. Zannino Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Mgmt For For Young LLP as IAC's independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL GAME TECHNOLOGY PLC Agenda Number: 935029947 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G4863A108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 17-May-2019 Ticker: IGT ISIN: GB00BVG7F061 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. To receive and adopt the Annual Reports and Mgmt No vote Accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2018. 2. To approve the directors' remuneration Mgmt No vote report set out in section 2 of International Game Technology PLC's Annual Reports and Accounts. 3. To approve the directors' remuneration Mgmt No vote policy (excluding the remuneration report) set out in section 2 of International Game Technology PLC's Annual Reports and Accounts. 4. To approve the appointment of the following Mgmt No vote director of the Company: Paget Alves 5. To approve the appointment of the following Mgmt No vote director of the Company: Alberto Dessy 6. To approve the appointment of the following Mgmt No vote director of the Company: Marco Drago 7. To approve the appointment of the following Mgmt No vote director of the Company: James McCann 8. To approve the appointment of the following Mgmt No vote director of the Company: Heather McGregor 9. To approve the appointment of the following Mgmt No vote director of the Company: Lorenzo Pellicioli 10. To approve the appointment of the following Mgmt No vote director of the Company: Vincent Sadusky 11. To approve the appointment of the following Mgmt No vote director of the Company: Gianmario Tondato Da Ruos 12. To reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Mgmt No vote auditor to hold office from the conclusion of the AGM until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company at which accounts are laid. 13. To authorise the directors or its audit Mgmt No vote committee to fix the remuneration of the auditor. 14. To authorise political donations and Mgmt No vote expenditure not exceeding GBP 100,000 in total, in accordance with sections 366 and 367 of the Companies Act 2006. 15. To unconditionally authorise the directors, Mgmt No vote in substitution for any existing authorities previously given, to allot shares in the Company. 16. To authorise the directors, if resolution Mgmt No vote 15 is passed and in substitution for any existing authorities granted, to disapply pre-emption rights.(special resolution) 17. To authorise the directors, if resolution Mgmt No vote 15 is passed and in addition to any authority granted under resolution 16, to disapply pre-emption rights in connection with an aquisition or specified capital investment.(special resolution) 18. To adopt new articles of association of Mgmt No vote International Game Technology PLC removing redundant and off-market provisions in relation to allotment of shares and disapplication of pre- emption rights.(special resolution) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KAR AUCTION SERVICES INC Agenda Number: 935005226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 48238T109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 04-Jun-2019 Ticker: KAR ISIN: US48238T1097 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Donna R. Ecton Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: James P. Hallett Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Mark E. Hill Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: J. Mark Howell Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Stefan Jacoby Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Lynn Jolliffe Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Michael T. Kestner Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: John P. Larson Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Stephen E. Smith Mgmt For For 2. To approve, on an advisory basis, executive Mgmt For For compensation. 3. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as Mgmt For For the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LENDINGTREE INC Agenda Number: 935012738 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 52603B107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: TREE ISIN: US52603B1070 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Gabriel Dalporto Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Thomas Davidson Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Neal Dermer Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Robin Henderson Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Peter Horan Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Douglas Lebda Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Steven Ozonian Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Saras Sarasvathy Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: G. Kennedy Thompson Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Craig Troyer Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the 2019 fiscal year. 3. To approve an amendment and restatement of Mgmt For For the Fifth Amended and Restated LendingTree, Inc. 2008 Stock and Annual Incentive Plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBERTY PROPERTY TRUST Agenda Number: 935016229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 531172104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 29-May-2019 Ticker: LPT ISIN: US5311721048 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Thomas C. Deloach, Jr. Mgmt No vote Katherine E. Dietze Mgmt No vote Antonio F. Fernandez Mgmt No vote Daniel P. Garton Mgmt No vote Robert G. Gifford Mgmt No vote William P. Hankowsky Mgmt No vote David L. Lingerfelt Mgmt No vote Marguerite M. Nader Mgmt No vote Lawrence D. Raiman Mgmt No vote Fredric J. Tomczyk Mgmt No vote 2. Advisory vote to approve the compensation Mgmt No vote of the Trust's named executive officers. 3. Approval of the proposal to ratify the Mgmt No vote selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the Trust's independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVANOVA PLC Agenda Number: 935024290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G5509L101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 18-Jun-2019 Ticker: LIVN ISIN: GB00BYMT0J19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Mr. Francesco Bianchi Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Ms. Stacy Enxing Seng Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Mr. William A. Kozy Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Mr. Damien McDonald Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Mr. Daniel J. Moore Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Mr. Hugh M. Morrison Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Mr. Alfred J. Novak Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Dr. Sharon O'Kane Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Dr. Arthur L. Mgmt For For Rosenthal 1j. Election of Director: Ms. Andrea L. Saia Mgmt For For 2. To approve, on an advisory basis, Mgmt For For LivaNova's compensation of its named executive officers ("US Say-on-Pay") 3. To ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Mgmt For For Delaware limited liability partnership ("PwC USA") as the Company's independent registered public accountancy firm 4. To approve, on an advisory basis, the U.K. Mgmt For For directors' remuneration report in the form set out in the Company's U.K. annual report and accounts ("U.K. Annual Report") for the period ended 31 December, 2018 5. To approve the directors' Remuneration Mgmt For For Policy as set out in the UK Annual Report for the period ended 31 December 2018 6. To receive and adopt the Company's audited Mgmt For For UK statutory accounts for the year ended December 31, 2018, together with the reports of the directors and the auditors thereon 7. To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Mgmt For For limited liability partnership registered in England, ("PwC UK"), as the Company's UK statutory auditor 8. To authorize the directors and/or the Audit Mgmt For For and Compliance Committee to determine the UK statutory auditor's remuneration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONOLITHIC POWER SYSTEMS, INC. Agenda Number: 935012156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 609839105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 13-Jun-2019 Ticker: MPWR ISIN: US6098391054 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Michael Hsing Mgmt For For Herbert Chang Mgmt For For 2. Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP Mgmt For For as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. Approve, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt For For executive compensation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OLLIE'S BARGAIN OUTLET HOLDINGS, INC. Agenda Number: 935024492 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 681116109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Jun-2019 Ticker: OLLI ISIN: US6811161099 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A. Election of Class I Director: Stanley Mgmt For For Fleishman 1B. Election of Class I Director: Stephen White Mgmt For For 2. To approve named executive officer Mgmt For For compensation. 3. To approve amendments to the Company's Mgmt For For certificate of incorporation to declassify the Board by the 2022 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. 4. To approve amendments to the Company's Mgmt For For certificate of incorporation to eliminate supermajority voting provisions 5. To approve amendments to the Company's Mgmt For For certificate of incorporation to eliminate obsolete provisions 6. Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP Mgmt For For as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending February 1, 2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OMEGA HEALTHCARE INVESTORS, INC. Agenda Number: 935001901 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 681936100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 07-Jun-2019 Ticker: OHI ISIN: US6819361006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Kapila K. Anand Mgmt For For Norman R. Bobins Mgmt For For Craig R. Callen Mgmt For For Barbara B. Hill Mgmt For For Edward Lowenthal Mgmt For For C. Taylor Pickett Mgmt For For Stephen D. Plavin Mgmt For For Burke W. Whitman Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of Independent Auditors Ernst Mgmt For For & Young LLP. 3. Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of Mgmt For For Executive Compensation. 4. Approval of Employee Stock Purchase Plan. Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEGASYSTEMS INC. Agenda Number: 935027121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 705573103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Jun-2019 Ticker: PEGA ISIN: US7055731035 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Director: Peter Gyenes Mgmt For For 1.2 Election of Director: Ronald Hovsepian Mgmt For For 1.3 Election of Director: Richard Jones Mgmt For For 1.4 Election of Director: Christopher Lafond Mgmt For For 1.5 Election of Director: Dianne Ledingham Mgmt For For 1.6 Election of Director: James O'Halloran Mgmt For For 1.7 Election of Director: Sharon Rowlands Mgmt For For 1.8 Election of Director: Alan Trefler Mgmt For For 1.9 Election of Director: Larry Weber Mgmt For For 2. To approve, by a non-binding advisory vote, Mgmt For For the compensation of our named executive officers. 3. To ratify the selection by the Audit Mgmt For For Committee of the Board of Directors of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENUMBRA, INC. Agenda Number: 935003258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 70975L107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-Jun-2019 Ticker: PEN ISIN: US70975L1070 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Don Kassing Mgmt For For Thomas Wilder Mgmt For For Janet Leeds Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the selection of Deloitte & Mgmt For For Touche LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for Penumbra, Inc. for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. To approve, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt For For compensation of Penumbra, Inc.'s Named Executive Officers as disclosed in the proxy statement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QIAGEN N.V. Agenda Number: 935037792 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: N72482123 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 17-Jun-2019 Ticker: QGEN ISIN: NL0012169213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Proposal to adopt the Annual Accounts for Mgmt For For the year ended December 31, 2018 ("Calendar Year 2018"). 2. Proposal to discharge from liability the Mgmt For For Managing Directors for the performance of their duties during Calendar Year 2018. 3. Proposal to discharge from liability the Mgmt For For Supervisory Directors for the performance of their duties during Calendar Year 2018. 4a. Reappointment of the Supervisory Director: Mgmt For For Mr. Stephane Bancel 4b. Reappointment of the Supervisory Director: Mgmt For For Dr. Hakan Bjorklund 4c. Reappointment of the Supervisory Director: Mgmt For For Dr. Metin Colpan 4d. Reappointment of the Supervisory Director: Mgmt For For Prof. Dr. Ross L. Levine 4e. Reappointment of the Supervisory Director: Mgmt For For Prof. Dr. Elaine Mardis 4f. Reappointment of the Supervisory Director: Mgmt For For Mr. Lawrence A. Rosen 4g. Reappointment of the Supervisory Director: Mgmt For For Ms. Elizabeth E. Tallett 5a. Reappointment of the Managing Director: Mr. Mgmt For For Peer Schatz 5b. Reappointment of the Managing Director: Mr. Mgmt For For Roland Sackers 6. Proposal to reappoint KPMG Accountants N.V. Mgmt For For as auditors of the Company for the calendar year ending December 31, 2019. 7a. Proposal to authorize the Supervisory Mgmt For For Board, until December 17, 2020 to: Issue a number of Common Shares and financing preference shares and grant rights to subscribe for such shares of up to 50% of the aggregate par value of all shares issued and outstanding. 7b. Proposal to authorize the Supervisory Mgmt For For Board, until December 17, 2020 to: Restrict or exclude the pre-emptive rights with respect to issuing Common Shares or granting subscription rights of up to 10% of the aggregate par value of all shares issued and outstanding. 7c. Proposal to authorize the Supervisory Mgmt For For Board, until December 17, 2020 to: Solely for the purpose of strategic transactions such as mergers, acquisitions or strategic alliances, to restrict or exclude the pre-emptive rights with respect to issuing additional Common Shares or granting subscription rights of up to 10% of the aggregate par value of all shares issued and outstanding. 8. Proposal to authorize the Managing Board, Mgmt For For until December 17, 2020, to acquire shares in the Company's own share capital. 9. Resolution to amend the Company's Articles Mgmt For For of Association. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SABRA HEALTH CARE REIT, INC. Agenda Number: 935021701 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 78573L106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 21-Jun-2019 Ticker: SBRA ISIN: US78573L1061 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Craig A. Barbarosh Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Robert A. Ettl Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Michael J. Foster Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Ronald G. Geary Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Lynne S. Katzmann Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Raymond J. Lewis Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Jeffrey A. Malehorn Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Richard K. Matros Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Milton J. Walters Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Sabra's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. Approval, on an advisory basis, of the Mgmt For For compensation of Sabra's named executive officers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SANTANDER CONSUMER USA HOLDINGS INC. Agenda Number: 935019085 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 80283M101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 11-Jun-2019 Ticker: SC ISIN: US80283M1018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Mahesh Aditya Mgmt For For Jose Doncel Mgmt For For Stephen A. Ferriss Mgmt For For Victor Hill Mgmt For For Edith E. Holiday Mgmt For For Javier Maldonado Mgmt For For Robert J. McCarthy Mgmt For For William F. Muir Mgmt For For Scott Powell Mgmt For For William Rainer Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the current fiscal year. 3. Stockholder proposal requesting that the Shr Against For Board of Directors prepare a report related to the monitoring and management of certain risks related to vehicle lending. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAREPTA THERAPEUTICS INC. Agenda Number: 935007181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 803607100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 06-Jun-2019 Ticker: SRPT ISIN: US8036071004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A Election of Director: Richard J. Barry Mgmt For For 1B Election of Director: M. Kathleen Behrens, Mgmt For For Ph.D. 1C Election of Director: Claude Nicaise, M.D. Mgmt For For 2. ADVISORY VOTE TO APPROVE, ON A NON-BINDING Mgmt For For BASIS, NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICER COMPENSATION. 3. APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDED AND Mgmt For For RESTATED 2013 EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN (THE "2013 ESPP") TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF SHARES OF COMMON STOCK AUTHORIZED FOR ISSUANCE UNDER THE 2013 ESPP BY 500,000 SHARES TO 1,100,000, AND TO EXTEND THE 2013 ESPP'S TERM UNTIL APRIL 22, 2029. 4. RATIFICATION OF KPMG LLP AS INDEPENDENT Mgmt For For REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCIENTIFIC GAMES CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935012118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 80874P109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: SGMS ISIN: US80874P1093 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Ronald O. Perelman Mgmt For For Barry L. Cottle Mgmt For For Peter A. Cohen Mgmt For For Richard M. Haddrill Mgmt For For David L. Kennedy Mgmt For For Paul M. Meister Mgmt For For Michael J. Regan Mgmt For For Barry F. Schwartz Mgmt For For Frances F. Townsend Mgmt For For Kneeland C. Youngblood Mgmt For For Jack A. Markell Mgmt For For Maria T. Vullo Mgmt For For 2. To approve, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt For For compensation of the Company's named executive officers. 3. To approve an amendment and restatement of Mgmt For For the Company's 2003 Incentive Compensation Plan, as amended and restated, to, among other things, increase the number of shares of stock authorized for issuance thereunder. 4. To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Mgmt For For Touche LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SILGAN HOLDINGS INC. Agenda Number: 935017637 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 827048109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: SLGN ISIN: US8270481091 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR R. Philip Silver Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. Advisory vote to approve the compensation Mgmt For For of the Company's named executive officers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLM CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935013730 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 78442P106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-Jun-2019 Ticker: SLM ISIN: US78442P1066 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Paul G. Child Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Mary Carter Warren Mgmt For For Franke 1c. Election of Director: Earl A. Goode Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Marianne M. Keler Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Mark L. Lavelle Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Jim Matheson Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Frank C. Puleo Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Raymond J. Quinlan Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Vivian C. Mgmt For For Schneck-Last 1j. Election of Director: William N. Shiebler Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Robert S. Strong Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Kirsten O. Wolberg Mgmt For For 2. Advisory approval of SLM Corporation's Mgmt For For executive compensation. 3. Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP Mgmt For For as SLM Corporation's independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAMPS.COM INC. Agenda Number: 935022347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 852857200 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: STMP ISIN: US8528572006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Mohan P. Ananda Mgmt For For David C. Habiger Mgmt For For 2. To approve, on a non-binding advisory Mgmt For For basis, the Company's executive compensation. 3. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as independent auditors of the Company for 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAUBMAN CENTERS, INC. Agenda Number: 935023109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 876664103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 30-May-2019 Ticker: TCO ISIN: US8766641034 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Mayree C. Clark Mgmt For For Michael J. Embler Mgmt For For Janice L. Fields Mgmt For For Michelle J. Goldberg Mgmt For For Nancy Killefer Mgmt For For Ronald W. Tysoe Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP Mgmt For For as the independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2019. 3. Advisory approval of the named executive Mgmt For For officer compensation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE MICHAELS COMPANIES, INC. Agenda Number: 935006723 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 59408Q106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 11-Jun-2019 Ticker: MIK ISIN: US59408Q1067 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Joshua Bekenstein Mgmt For For Mark S. Cosby Mgmt For For Ryan Cotton Mgmt For For Monte E. Ford Mgmt For For Karen Kaplan Mgmt For For Matthew S. Levin Mgmt For For John J. Mahoney Mgmt For For James A. Quella Mgmt For For Beryl B. Raff Mgmt For For Peter F. Wallace Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as The Michaels Companies, Inc. independent registered public accounting firm for the current fiscal year ending February 1, 2020. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSOCEAN, LTD. Agenda Number: 935010025 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: H8817H100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 09-May-2019 Ticker: RIG ISIN: CH0048265513 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Approval of the 2018 Annual Report, Mgmt No vote Including the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements and the Audited Statutory Financial Statements of Transocean Ltd. for Fiscal Year 2018 2 Discharge of the Members of the Board of Mgmt No vote Directors and Executive Management Team From Liability for Activities During Fiscal Year 2018 3 Appropriation of the Accumulated Loss for Mgmt No vote Fiscal Year 2018 4A Re-election of Glyn A. Barker as a director Mgmt No vote for a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 4B Re-election of Vanessa C.L. Chang as a Mgmt No vote director for a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 4C Re-election of Frederico F. Curado as a Mgmt No vote director for a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 4D Re-election of Chadwick C. Deaton as a Mgmt No vote director for a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 4E Re-election of Vincent J. Intrieri as a Mgmt No vote director for a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 4F Re-election of Samuel J. Merksamer as a Mgmt No vote director for a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 4G Re-election of Frederik W. Mohn as a Mgmt No vote director for a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 4H Re-election of Edward R. Muller as a Mgmt No vote director for a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 4I Re-election of Tan Ek Kia as a director for Mgmt No vote a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 4J Re-election of Jeremy D. Thigpen as a Mgmt No vote director for a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 5 Election of Chadwick C. Deaton as the Mgmt No vote Chairman of the Board of Directors for a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 6A Election of the Member of the Compensation Mgmt No vote Committee: Frederico F. Curado 6B Election of the Member of the Compensation Mgmt No vote Committee: Vincent J. Intrieri 6C Election of the Member of the Compensation Mgmt No vote Committee: Tan Ek Kia 7 Reelection of Schweiger Advokatur / Mgmt No vote Notariat as the Independent Proxy for a Term Extending Until Completion of the Next Annual General Meeting 8 Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Mgmt No vote Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for Fiscal Year 2019 and Reelection of Ernst & Young Ltd, Zurich, as the Company's Auditor for a Further One-Year Term 9 Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Mgmt No vote Officer Compensation 10A Ratification of an amount of US $4,121,000 Mgmt No vote as the Maximum Aggregate Amount of Compensation of the Board of Directors for the Period Between the 2019 and 2020 Annual General Meetings 10B Ratification of an amount of US $24,000,000 Mgmt No vote as the Maximum Aggregate Amount of Compensation of the Executive Management Team for Fiscal Year 2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIPADVISOR, INC. Agenda Number: 935016089 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 896945201 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 11-Jun-2019 Ticker: TRIP ISIN: US8969452015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Gregory B. Maffei Mgmt For For Stephen Kaufer Mgmt For For Trynka Shineman Blake Mgmt For For Jay C. Hoag Mgmt For For Betsy L. Morgan Mgmt For For Jeremy Philips Mgmt For For Spencer M. Rascoff Mgmt For For Albert E. Rosenthaler Mgmt For For Robert S. Wiesenthal Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as Mgmt For For TripAdvisor, Inc.s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED THERAPEUTICS CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935022967 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 91307C102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 26-Jun-2019 Ticker: UTHR ISIN: US91307C1027 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Christopher Causey Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Richard Giltner Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Nilda Mesa Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Judy Olian Mgmt For For 2. Advisory resolution to approve executive Mgmt For For compensation. 3. Approval of the amendment and restatement Mgmt For For of the United Therapeutics Corporation 2015 Stock Incentive Plan. 4. Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Mgmt For For Young LLP as United Therapeutics Corporation's independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. 5. Shareholder proposal requesting Shr For For declassification of the Board of Directors, if properly presented. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEEVA SYSTEMS INC. Agenda Number: 935018780 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 922475108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-Jun-2019 Ticker: VEEV ISIN: US9224751084 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Ronald E.F. Codd Mgmt For For Peter P. Gassner Mgmt For For 2. Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as Veeva Mgmt For For Systems Inc.'s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2020. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERINT SYSTEMS INC. Agenda Number: 935028983 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 92343X100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-Jun-2019 Ticker: VRNT ISIN: US92343X1000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Dan Bodner Mgmt For For John Egan Mgmt For For Stephen Gold Mgmt For For Penelope Herscher Mgmt For For William Kurtz Mgmt For For Richard Nottenburg Mgmt For For Howard Safir Mgmt For For Earl Shanks Mgmt For For 2. To ratify of the appointment of Deloitte & Mgmt For For Touche LLP as the Company's independent registered public accountant for the year ending January 31, 2020. 3. To approve, on a non-binding, advisory Mgmt For For basis, the compensation of the named executive officers as disclosed in the accompanying proxy statement. 4. To approve the Verint Systems Inc. 2019 Mgmt For For Long-Term Stock Incentive Plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSUM MATERIALS, INC. Agenda Number: 935034114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 92532W103 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 17-Jun-2019 Ticker: VSM ISIN: US92532W1036 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Adoption of the Agreement and Plan of Mgmt For For Merger, dated as of April 12, 2019 (as it may be amended from time to time) (the "merger agreement"), by and among Versum Materials, Inc. ("Versum"), Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany ("Parent"), and EMD Performance Materials Holding, Inc. ("Merger Sub"), pursuant to which Merger Sub will merge with and into Versum, with Versum surviving and continuing as the surviving corporation in the merger and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent ("the merger agreement proposal"). 2. Approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis, Mgmt For For of the compensation that will or may be paid to Versum's named executive officers in connection with the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement ("the compensation proposal"). 3. Approval of the adjournment of the special Mgmt For For meeting to solicit additional proxies if there are not sufficient votes at the time of the special meeting to approve the merger agreement proposal or to ensure that any supplement or amendment to the accompanying proxy statement is timely provided to Versum stockholders ("the adjournment proposal"). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VISTEON CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935005973 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 92839U206 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-Jun-2019 Ticker: VC ISIN: US92839U2069 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: James J. Barrese Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Naomi M. Bergman Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Jeffrey D. Jones Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Sachin S. Lawande Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Joanne M. Maguire Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Robert J. Manzo Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Francis M. Scricco Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: David L. Treadwell Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Harry J. Wilson Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Rouzbeh Yassini-Fard Mgmt For For 2. Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP Mgmt For For as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2019. 3. Provide advisory approval of the Company's Mgmt For For executive compensation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VISTRA ENERGY CORP Agenda Number: 935012005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 92840M102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-May-2019 Ticker: VST ISIN: US92840M1027 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Paul M. Barbas Mgmt No vote Cyrus Madon Mgmt No vote Geoffrey D. Strong Mgmt No vote Bruce E. Zimmerman Mgmt No vote 2. Approve, on an advisory basis, named Mgmt No vote executive officer compensation. 3. Approve an amendment to the Vistra Energy Mgmt No vote Corp. 2016 Omnibus Incentive Plan (the "2016 Incentive Plan") to increase the number of shares available for issuance to plan participants under the Company's 2016 Incentive Plan. 4. Ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche Mgmt No vote LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2018. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WABCO HOLDINGS INC. Agenda Number: 935038249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 92927K102 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 27-Jun-2019 Ticker: WBC ISIN: US92927K1025 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger Mgmt For For (as it may be amended from time to time), dated as of March 28, 2019 (the "Merger Agreement"), by and among WABCO Holdings Inc., ZF Friedrichshafen AG and Verona Merger Sub Corp. 2. To approve, by means of a non-binding, Mgmt For For advisory vote, compensation that will or may become payable to the named executive officers of WABCO Holdings Inc. in connection with the merger. 3. To approve one or more adjournments or Mgmt For For postponements of the special meeting to a later date or dates, if necessary or appropriate, to solicit additional proxies if there are insufficient votes to adopt the Merger Agreement at the then- scheduled date and time of the special meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XPO LOGISTICS INC Agenda Number: 935012548 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 983793100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 15-May-2019 Ticker: XPO ISIN: US9837931008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Director: Bradley S. Jacobs Mgmt No vote 1.2 Election of Director: Gena L. Ashe Mgmt No vote 1.3 Election of Director: Marlene M. Colucci Mgmt No vote 1.4 Election of Director: AnnaMaria DeSalva Mgmt No vote 1.5 Election of Director: Michael G. Jesselson Mgmt No vote 1.6 Election of Director: Adrian P. Kingshott Mgmt No vote 1.7 Election of Director: Jason D. Papastavrou Mgmt No vote 1.8 Election of Director: Oren G. Shaffer Mgmt No vote 2. Ratification of independent auditors for Mgmt No vote fiscal year 2019. 3. Approval of amendments to the XPO Mgmt No vote Logistics, Inc. 2016 Omnibus Incentive Compensation Plan. 4. Advisory vote to approve executive Mgmt No vote compensation. 5. Stockholder proposal regarding appointment Shr No vote of independent chairman of the board. 6. Stockholder proposal regarding ways to Shr No vote strengthen the prevention of workplace sexual harassment. SoFi Select 500 ETF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVISION BLIZZARD, INC. Agenda Number: 935013893 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 00507V109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-Jun-2019 Ticker: ATVI ISIN: US00507V1098 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Reveta Bowers Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Robert Corti Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Hendrik Hartong III Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Brian Kelly Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Robert Kotick Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Barry Meyer Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Robert Morgado Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Peter Nolan Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Casey Wasserman Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Elaine Wynn Mgmt For For 2. To provide advisory approval of our Mgmt For For executive compensation. 3. To ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALPHABET INC. Agenda Number: 935018956 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 02079K305 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 19-Jun-2019 Ticker: GOOGL ISIN: US02079K3059 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Larry Page Mgmt For For Sergey Brin Mgmt For For John L. Hennessy Mgmt For For L. John Doerr Mgmt For For Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. Mgmt For For Ann Mather Mgmt For For Alan R. Mulally Mgmt For For Sundar Pichai Mgmt For For K. Ram Shriram Mgmt For For Robin L. Washington Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Mgmt For For Young LLP as Alphabet's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. The amendment and restatement of Alphabet's Mgmt For For 2012 Stock Plan to increase the share reserve by 3,000,000 shares of Class C capital stock. 4. A stockholder proposal regarding equal Shr Against For shareholder voting, if properly presented at the meeting. 5. A stockholder proposal regarding Shr Against For inequitable employment practices, if properly presented at the meeting. 6. A stockholder proposal regarding the Shr Against For establishment of a societal risk oversight committee, if properly presented at the meeting. 7. A stockholder proposal regarding a report Shr Against For on sexual harassment risk management, if properly presented at the meeting. 8. A stockholder proposal regarding majority Shr Against For vote for the election of directors, if properly presented at the meeting. 9. A stockholder proposal regarding a report Shr Against For on gender pay, if properly presented at the meeting. 10. A stockholder proposal regarding strategic Shr Against For alternatives, if properly presented at the meeting. 11. A stockholder proposal regarding the Shr Against For nomination of an employee representative director, if properly presented at the meeting. 12. A stockholder proposal regarding simple Shr Against For majority vote, if properly presented at the meeting. 13. A stockholder proposal regarding a Shr Against For sustainability metrics report, if properly presented at the meeting. 14. A stockholder proposal regarding Google Shr Against For Search in China, if properly presented at the meeting. 15. A stockholder proposal regarding a clawback Shr Against For policy, if properly presented at the meeting. 16. A stockholder proposal regarding a report Shr Against For on content governance, if properly presented at the meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMERICAN AIRLINES GROUP INC. Agenda Number: 935013766 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 02376R102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: AAL ISIN: US02376R1023 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: James F. Albaugh Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Jeffrey D. Benjamin Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: John T. Cahill Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Michael J. Embler Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Matthew J. Hart Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Susan D. Kronick Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Martin H. Nesbitt Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Denise M. O'Leary Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: W. Douglas Parker Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Ray M. Robinson Mgmt For For 2. A proposal to ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For KPMG LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm of American Airlines Group Inc. for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. A proposal to consider and approve, on a Mgmt For For non-binding, advisory basis, executive compensation of American Airlines Group Inc. as disclosed in the proxy statement. 4. A stockholder proposal to provide a report Shr Against For on political contributions and expenditures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AON PLC Agenda Number: 935016471 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G0408V102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 21-Jun-2019 Ticker: AON ISIN: GB00B5BT0K07 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Jin-Yong Cai Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Jeffrey C. Campbell Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Gregory C. Case Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Fulvio Conti Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Cheryl A. Francis Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Lester B. Knight Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: J. Michael Losh Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Richard B. Myers Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Richard C. Notebaert Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Gloria Santona Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Carolyn Y. Woo Mgmt For For 2. Advisory vote to approve executive Mgmt For For compensation 3. Advisory vote to approve directors' Mgmt For For remuneration report 4. Receipt of Aon plc's annual report and Mgmt For For accounts, together with the reports of the directors and auditors, for the year ended December 31, 2018 5. Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP Mgmt For For as Aon plc's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 6. Reappoint of Ernst & Young LLP as Aon plc's Mgmt For For U.K. statutory auditor under the Companies Act of 2006 7. Authorize the Board of Directors to Mgmt For For determine remuneration of Aon plc's U.K. statutory auditor 8. Approve the Amended and Restated Aon plc Mgmt For For 2011 Incentive Compensation Plan 9. Approve a reduction of capital Mgmt For For 10. Approve the new Articles of Association Mgmt For For 11. Approve forms of share repurchase contracts Mgmt For For and repurchase counterparties 12. Authorize the Board of Directors to Mgmt For For exercise all powers of Aon plc to allot shares 13. Authorize the Board of Directors to allot Mgmt For For equity securities for cash without rights of preemption 14. Authorize Aon plc and its subsidiaries to Mgmt For For make political donations or expenditures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTODESK, INC. Agenda Number: 935010140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 052769106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: ADSK ISIN: US0527691069 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Andrew Anagnost Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Karen Blasing Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Reid French Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Blake Irving Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Mary T. McDowell Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Stephen Milligan Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Lorrie M. Norrington Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Betsy Rafael Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Stacy J. Smith Mgmt For For 2. Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP Mgmt For For as Autodesk, Inc.'s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2020. 3. Approve, on an advisory (non-binding) Mgmt For For basis,the compensation of Autodesk, Inc.'s named executive officers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVANGRID, INC. Agenda Number: 935022878 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 05351W103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 27-Jun-2019 Ticker: AGR ISIN: US05351W1036 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Ignacio Sanchez Galan Mgmt For For John Baldacci Mgmt For For Robert Duffy Mgmt For For Carol Folt Mgmt For For Teresa Herbert Mgmt For For Patricia Jacobs Mgmt For For John Lahey Mgmt For For S. Martinez Garrido Mgmt For For Sonsoles Rubio Reinoso Mgmt For For J. C. Rebollo Liceaga Mgmt For For Jose Sainz Armada Mgmt For For Alan Solomont Mgmt For For Elizabeth Timm Mgmt For For James Torgerson Mgmt For For 2. RATIFICATION OF THE SELECTION OF KPMG US Mgmt For For LLP AS AVANGRID, INC.'S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2019. 3. NON-BINDING ADVISORY VOTE TO APPROVE THE Mgmt For For COMPENSATION OF THE NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEST BUY CO., INC. Agenda Number: 935011837 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 086516101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 11-Jun-2019 Ticker: BBY ISIN: US0865161014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a) Election of Director: Corie S. Barry Mgmt For For 1b) Election of Director: Lisa M. Caputo Mgmt For For 1c) Election of Director: J. Patrick Doyle Mgmt For For 1d) Election of Director: Russell P. Fradin Mgmt For For 1e) Election of Director: Kathy J. Higgins Mgmt For For Victor 1f) Election of Director: Hubert Joly Mgmt For For 1g) Election of Director: David W. Kenny Mgmt For For 1h) Election of Director: Cindy R. Kent Mgmt For For 1i) Election of Director: Karen A. McLoughlin Mgmt For For 1j) Election of Director: Thomas L. Millner Mgmt For For 1k) Election of Director: Claudia F. Munce Mgmt For For 1l) Election of Director: Richelle P. Parham Mgmt For For 1m) Election of Director: Eugene A. Woods Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Mgmt For For Touche LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending February 1, 2020. 3. To approve in a non-binding advisory vote Mgmt For For our named executive officer compensation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOGEN INC. Agenda Number: 935015556 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 09062X103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 19-Jun-2019 Ticker: BIIB ISIN: US09062X1037 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: John R. Chiminski Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Alexander J. Denner Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Caroline D. Dorsa Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: William A. Hawkins Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Nancy L. Leaming Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Jesus B. Mantas Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Richard C. Mulligan Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Robert W. Pangia Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Stelios Papadopoulos Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Brian S. Posner Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Eric K. Rowinsky Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Lynn Schenk Mgmt For For 1m. Election of Director: Stephen A. Sherwin Mgmt For For 1n. Election of Director: Michel Vounatsos Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the selection of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Biogen Inc.'s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. Say on Pay - To approve an advisory vote on Mgmt For For executive compensation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOKING HOLDINGS INC. Agenda Number: 935004957 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 09857L108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 06-Jun-2019 Ticker: BKNG ISIN: US09857L1089 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Timothy M. Armstrong Mgmt For For Jeffery H. Boyd Mgmt For For Glenn D. Fogel Mgmt For For Mirian Graddick-Weir Mgmt For For James M. Guyette Mgmt For For Wei Hopeman Mgmt For For Robert J. Mylod, Jr. Mgmt For For Charles H. Noski Mgmt For For Nancy B. Peretsman Mgmt For For Nicholas J. Read Mgmt For For Thomas E. Rothman Mgmt For For Lynn M. Vojvodich Mgmt For For Vanessa A. Wittman Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as Mgmt For For our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. Advisory Vote to Approve 2018 Executive Mgmt For For Compensation. 4. Stockholder Proposal requesting that the Shr Against For Company amend its proxy access bylaw. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY Agenda Number: 935021458 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 110122108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 29-May-2019 Ticker: BMY ISIN: US1101221083 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A. Election of Director: Peter J. Arduini Mgmt No vote 1B. Election of Director: Robert Bertolini Mgmt No vote 1C. Election of Director: Giovanni Caforio, Mgmt No vote M.D. 1D. Election of Director: Matthew W. Emmens Mgmt No vote 1E. Election of Director: Michael Grobstein Mgmt No vote 1F. Election of Director: Alan J. Lacy Mgmt No vote 1G. Election of Director: Dinesh C. Paliwal Mgmt No vote 1H. Election of Director: Theodore R. Samuels Mgmt No vote 1I. Election of Director: Vicki L. Sato, Ph.D. Mgmt No vote 1J. Election of Director: Gerald L. Storch Mgmt No vote 1K. Election of Director: Karen H. Vousden, Mgmt No vote Ph.D. 2. Advisory vote to approve the compensation Mgmt No vote of our Named Executive Officers 3. Ratification of the appointment of an Mgmt No vote independent registered public accounting firm 4. Shareholder Proposal on Right to Act by Shr No vote Written Consent -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARMAX, INC. Agenda Number: 935018805 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 143130102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Jun-2019 Ticker: KMX ISIN: US1431301027 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director for a one-year term: Mgmt For For Peter J. Bensen 1b. Election of Director for a one-year term: Mgmt For For Ronald E. Blaylock 1c. Election of Director for a one-year term: Mgmt For For Sona Chawla 1d. Election of Director for a one-year term: Mgmt For For Thomas J. Folliard 1e. Election of Director for a one-year term: Mgmt For For Shira Goodman 1f. Election of Director for a one-year term: Mgmt For For Robert J. Hombach 1g. Election of Director for a one-year term: Mgmt For For David W. McCreight 1h. Election of Director for a one-year term: Mgmt For For William D. Nash 1i. Election of Director for a one-year term: Mgmt For For Pietro Satriano 1j. Election of Director for a one-year term: Mgmt For For Marcella Shinder 1k. Election of Director for a one-year term: Mgmt For For Mitchell D. Steenrod 2. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as Mgmt For For independent registered public accounting firm. 3. To approve, in an advisory (non-binding) Mgmt For For vote, the compensation of our named executive officers. 4. To approve the CarMax, Inc. 2002 Stock Mgmt For For Incentive Plan, as amended and restated. 5. To vote on a shareholder proposal regarding Shr Against For a report on political contributions, if properly presented at the meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATERPILLAR INC. Agenda Number: 935008943 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 149123101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: CAT ISIN: US1491231015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Kelly A. Ayotte Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: David L. Calhoun Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Daniel M. Dickinson Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Juan Gallardo Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Dennis A. Muilenburg Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: William A. Osborn Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Debra L. Reed-Klages Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Edward B. Rust, Jr. Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Susan C. Schwab Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: D. James Umpleby III Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Miles D. White Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Rayford Wilkins, Jr. Mgmt For For 2. Ratify the appointment of independent Mgmt For For registered public accounting firm for 2019. 3. Advisory vote to approve executive Mgmt For For compensation. 4. Shareholder Proposal - Amend proxy access Shr Against For to remove resubmission threshold. 5. Shareholder Proposal - Report on activities Shr Against For in conflict-affected areas. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTENE CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935038213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 15135B101 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 24-Jun-2019 Ticker: CNC ISIN: US15135B1017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. To approve the issuance of Centene Mgmt For For Corporation ("Centene") common stock, par value $0.001 per share, pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of March 26, 2019, by and among Centene, Wellington Merger Sub I, Inc., Wellington Merger Sub II, Inc. and WellCare Health Plans, Inc., as may be amended from time to time (the "Share Issuance Proposal"). 2. To approve any proposal to adjourn the Mgmt For For Special Meeting of Stockholders of Centene (the "Centene Special Meeting") from time to time, if necessary or appropriate, to solicit additional proxies in the event there are not sufficient votes at the time of the Centene Special Meeting to approve the Share Issuance Proposal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CERNER CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935021612 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 156782104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 30-May-2019 Ticker: CERN ISIN: US1567821046 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Class III Director: Gerald E. Mgmt For For Bisbee, Jr., Ph.D., M.B.A. 1b. Election of Class III Director: Linda M. Mgmt For For Dillman 1c. Election of Class III Director: George A. Mgmt For For Riedel, M.B.A. 1d. Election of Class III Director: R. Halsey Mgmt For For Wise, M.B.A. 2. Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP Mgmt For For as the independent registered public accounting firm of Cerner Corporation for 2019. 3. Approval, on an advisory basis, of the Mgmt For For compensation of our Named Executive Officers. 4. Approval of the proposed amendment and Mgmt For For restatement of the Cerner Corporation 2011 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan, including an increase in the number of authorized shares under the plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAVITA INC. Agenda Number: 935021333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 23918K108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 17-Jun-2019 Ticker: DVA ISIN: US23918K1088 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Pamela M. Arway Mgmt No vote 1b. Election of Director: Charles G. Berg Mgmt No vote 1c. Election of Director: Barbara J. Desoer Mgmt No vote 1d. Election of Director: Pascal Desroches Mgmt No vote 1e. Election of Director: Paul J. Diaz Mgmt No vote 1f. Election of Director: Peter T. Grauer Mgmt No vote 1g. Election of Director: John M. Nehra Mgmt No vote 1h. Election of Director: Javier J. Rodriguez Mgmt No vote 1i. Election of Director: William L. Roper Mgmt No vote 1j. Election of Director: Kent J. Thiry Mgmt No vote 1k. Election of Director: Phyllis R. Yale Mgmt No vote 2. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as Mgmt No vote our independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2019. 3. To approve, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt No vote compensation of our named executive officers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Agenda Number: 935025266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 247361702 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-Jun-2019 Ticker: DAL ISIN: US2473617023 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Edward H. Bastian Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Francis S. Blake Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Daniel A. Carp Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Ashton B. Carter Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: David G. DeWalt Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: William H. Easter III Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Christopher A. Mgmt For For Hazleton 1h. Election of Director: Michael P. Huerta Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Jeanne P. Jackson Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: George N. Mattson Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Sergio A.L. Rial Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Kathy N. Waller Mgmt For For 2. To approve, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt For For compensation of Delta's named executive officers. 3. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as Delta's independent auditors for the year ending December 31, 2019. 4. A stockholder proposal related to the right Shr Against For to act by written consent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAMONDBACK ENERGY, INC. Agenda Number: 935010847 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 25278X109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 06-Jun-2019 Ticker: FANG ISIN: US25278X1090 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A Election of Director: Steven E. West Mgmt For For 1B Election of Director: Travis D. Stice Mgmt For For 1C Election of Director: Michael L. Hollis Mgmt For For 1D Election of Director: Michael P. Cross Mgmt For For 1E Election of Director: David L. Houston Mgmt For For 1F Election of Director: Mark L. Plaumann Mgmt For For 1G Election of Director: Melanie M. Trent Mgmt For For 2. Proposal to approve the Company's 2019 Mgmt For For Amended and Restated Equity Incentive Plan 3. Proposal to approve, on an advisory basis, Mgmt For For the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officers 4. Proposal to ratify the appointment of Grant Mgmt For For Thornton LLP as the Company's independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWDUPONT INC. Agenda Number: 935023426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 26078J100 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 23-May-2019 Ticker: DWDP ISIN: US26078J1007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. A proposal, which we refer to as the Mgmt No vote reverse stock split proposal, to adopt and approve an amendment to our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to effect (a) a reverse stock split of our outstanding shares of common stock, at a reverse stock split ratio of not less than 2-for-5 and not greater than 1-for-3, with an exact ratio as may be determined by our Board of Directors at a later date, and (b) a reduction in the number of our authorized shares of common stock by a corresponding ratio. 2. A proposal, which we refer to as the Mgmt No vote adjournment proposal, to approve, if necessary, the adjournment of the Special Meeting to solicit additional proxies in favor of the reverse stock split proposal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWDUPONT INC. Agenda Number: 935019679 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 26078J100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Jun-2019 Ticker: DWDP ISIN: US26078J1007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Edward D. Breen Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Ruby R. Chandy Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Franklin K. Clyburn, Mgmt For For Jr. 1d. Election of Director: Terrence R. Curtin Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Alexander M. Cutler Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: C. Marc Doyle Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Eleuthere I. du Pont Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Rajiv L. Gupta Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Luther C. Kissam Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Frederick M. Lowery Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Raymond J. Milchovich Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Steven M. Sterin Mgmt For For 2. Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive Mgmt For For Compensation 3. Ratification of the Appointment of the Mgmt For For Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 4. Right to Act by Written Consent Shr Against For 5. Preparation of an Executive Compensation Shr Against For Report 6. Preparation of a Report on Climate Change Shr Against For Induced Flooding and Public Health 7. Preparation of a Report on Plastic Shr Against For Pollution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUINIX, INC. Agenda Number: 935002270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 29444U700 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 30-May-2019 Ticker: EQIX ISIN: US29444U7000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Thomas Bartlett Mgmt For For Nanci Caldwell Mgmt For For Gary Hromadko Mgmt For For Scott Kriens Mgmt For For William Luby Mgmt For For Irving Lyons, III Mgmt For For Charles Meyers Mgmt For For Christopher Paisley Mgmt For For Peter Van Camp Mgmt For For 2. To approve, by a non-binding advisory vote, Mgmt For For the compensation of Equinix's named executive officers. 3. To approve the Equinix French Sub-plan Mgmt For For under Equinix's 2000 Equity Incentive Plan. 4. To ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Equinix's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 5. Stockholder proposal related to political Shr Against For contributions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES INC. Agenda Number: 935004072 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 339041105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: FLT ISIN: US3390411052 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Class III Director: Ronald F. Mgmt For For Clarke 1.2 Election of Class III Director: Joseph W. Mgmt For For Farrelly 1.3 Election of Class III Director: Richard Mgmt For For Macchia 2. Ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP Mgmt For For as FLEETCOR's independent auditor for 2019 3. Advisory vote to approve named executive Mgmt For For officer compensation 4. Approve an amendment to the Company's Mgmt For For Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to declassify the Board of Directors 5. Stockholder proposal to adopt a clawback Shr Against For policy 6. Stockholder proposal to exclude the impact Shr Against For of share repurchases when determining incentive grants and awards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEPORT-MCMORAN INC. Agenda Number: 935006800 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 35671D857 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: FCX ISIN: US35671D8570 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Director: Richard C. Adkerson Mgmt For For 1.2 Election of Director: Gerald J. Ford Mgmt For For 1.3 Election of Director: Lydia H. Kennard Mgmt For For 1.4 Election of Director: Dustan E. McCoy Mgmt For For 1.5 Election of Director: Frances Fragos Mgmt For For Townsend 2. Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Mgmt For For Young LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. 3. Approval, on an advisory basis, of the Mgmt For For compensation of our named executive officers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GARMIN LTD Agenda Number: 935005012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: H2906T109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 07-Jun-2019 Ticker: GRMN ISIN: CH0114405324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approval of Garmin Ltd.'s 2018 Annual Mgmt For For Report, including the consolidated financial statements of Garmin Ltd. for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2018 and the statutory financial statements of Garmin Ltd. for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2018 2. Approval of the appropriation of available Mgmt For For earnings 3. Approval of the payment of a cash dividend Mgmt For For in the aggregate amount of US $2.28 per outstanding share out of Garmin Ltd.'s reserve from capital contribution in four equal installments 4. Discharge of the members of the Board of Mgmt For For Directors and the members of Executive Management from liability for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2018 5a. Re-election of Director: Min H. Kao Mgmt For For 5b. Re-election of Director: Joseph J. Hartnett Mgmt For For 5c. Re-election of Director: Clifton A. Pemble Mgmt For For 5d. Re-election of Director: Jonathan C. Mgmt For For Burrell 5e. Re-election of Director: Charles W. Peffer Mgmt For For 5f. Election of Director: Catherine A. Lewis Mgmt For For 6. Re-election of Min H. Kao as Executive Mgmt For For Chairman of the Board of Directors for a term extending until completion of the next annual general meeting 7a. Re-election of Compensation Committee Mgmt For For Member: Joseph J. Hartnett 7b. Re-election of Compensation Committee Mgmt For For Member: Charles W. Peffer 7c. Re-election of Compensation Committee Mgmt For For Member: Jonathan C. Burrell 7d. Election of Compensation Committee Member: Mgmt For For Catherine A. Lewis 8. Election of the law firm of Wuersch & Mgmt For For Gering LLP as independent voting rights representative 9. Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Mgmt For For Young LLP as Garmin Ltd.'s independent registered public accounting firm for the 2019 fiscal year and re-election of Ernst & Young Ltd. as Garmin Ltd.'s statutory auditor for another one-year term 10. Advisory vote on executive compensation Mgmt For For 11. Binding vote to approve fiscal year 2020 Mgmt For For maximum aggregate compensation for the Executive Management 12. Binding vote to approve maximum aggregate Mgmt For For compensation for the Board of Directors for the period between the 2019 Annual General Meeting and the 2020 Annual General Meeting 13. Amendment to the Garmin Ltd. Employee Stock Mgmt For For Purchase Plan to increase the number of shares authorized for issuance under the Plan from 6 million to 8 million 14. Amendment to the Garmin Ltd. 2005 Equity Mgmt For For Incentive Plan to increase the maximum number of shares authorized for issuance under the Plan that may be delivered as Restricted Shares or pursuant to Performance Units or Restricted Stock Units from 6 million to 10 million -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HESS CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935007307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 42809H107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-Jun-2019 Ticker: HES ISIN: US42809H1077 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01. Election of Director: R.F CHASE Mgmt For For 02. Election of Director: T.J. CHECKI Mgmt For For 03. Election of Director: L.S. COLEMAN, JR. Mgmt For For 04. Election of Director: J.B. HESS Mgmt For For 05. Election of Director: E.E. HOLIDAY Mgmt For For 06. Election of Director: R. LAVIZZO-MOUREY Mgmt For For 07. Election of Director: M.S. LIPSCHULTZ Mgmt For For 08. Election of Director: D. MCMANUS Mgmt For For 09. Election of Director: K.O. MEYERS Mgmt For For 10. Election of Director: J.H. QUIGLEY Mgmt For For 11. Election of Director: W.G. SCHRADER Mgmt For For 2. Advisory vote to approve the compensation Mgmt For For of our named executive officers. 3. Ratification of the selection of Ernst & Mgmt For For Young LLP as our independent registered public accountants for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES N.V. Agenda Number: 935028589 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: N53745100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 31-May-2019 Ticker: LYB ISIN: NL0009434992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Jacques Aigrain Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Lincoln Benet Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Jagjeet (Jeet) Bindra Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Robin Buchanan Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Stephen Cooper Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Nance Dicciani Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Claire Farley Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Isabella (Bella) Mgmt For For Goren 1i. Election of Director: Michael Hanley Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Albert Manifold Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Bhavesh (Bob) Patel Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Rudy van der Meer Mgmt For For 2. Discharge of Executive Director and Members Mgmt For For of the (Prior) Management Board from Liability. 3. Discharge of Non-Executive Directors and Mgmt For For Members of the (Prior) Supervisory Board from Liability. 4. Adoption of 2018 Dutch Statutory Annual Mgmt For For Accounts. 5. Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Mgmt For For Accountants N.V. as the Auditor of our 2019 Dutch Statutory Annual Accounts. 6. Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Mgmt For For as our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. 7. Advisory Vote Approving Executive Mgmt For For Compensation (Say-on-Pay). 8. Ratification and Approval of Dividends. Mgmt For For 9. Authorization to Conduct Share Repurchases. Mgmt For For 10. Amendment of Long Term Incentive Plan. Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARVELL TECHNOLOGY GROUP LTD. Agenda Number: 935030306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G5876H105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 28-Jun-2019 Ticker: MRVL ISIN: BMG5876H1051 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Tudor Brown Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Brad Buss Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Edward H. Frank Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Richard S. Hill Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Oleg Khaykin Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Bethany Mayer Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Donna Morris Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Matthew J. Murphy Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Michael Strachan Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Robert E. Switz Mgmt For For 2. An advisory (non-binding) vote to approve Mgmt For For compensation of our named executive officers. 3. The appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as Mgmt For For our auditors and independent registered accounting firm, and authorization of the audit committee, acting on behalf of our board of directors, to fix the remuneration of the auditors and independent registered accounting firm, in both cases for the fiscal year ending February 1, 2020. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASTERCARD INCORPORATED Agenda Number: 935017233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 57636Q104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Jun-2019 Ticker: MA ISIN: US57636Q1040 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of director: Richard Mgmt For For Haythornthwaite 1b. Election of director: Ajay Banga Mgmt For For 1c. Election of director: David R. Carlucci Mgmt For For 1d. Election of director: Richard K. Davis Mgmt For For 1e. Election of director: Steven J. Freiberg Mgmt For For 1f. Election of director: Julius Genachowski Mgmt For For 1g. Election of director: Choon Phong Goh Mgmt For For 1h. Election of director: Merit E. Janow Mgmt For For 1i. Election of director: Oki Matsumoto Mgmt For For 1j. Election of director: Youngme Moon Mgmt For For 1k. Election of director: Rima Qureshi Mgmt For For 1l. Election of director: Jose Octavio Reyes Mgmt For For Lagunes 1m. Election of director: Gabrielle Sulzberger Mgmt For For 1n. Election of director: Jackson Tai Mgmt For For 1o. Election of director: Lance Uggla Mgmt For For 2. Advisory approval of Mastercard's executive Mgmt For For compensation 3. Ratification of the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for Mastercard for 2019 4. Consideration of a stockholder proposal on Shr Against For gender pay gap 5. Consideration of a stockholder proposal on Shr Against For creation of a human rights committee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METLIFE, INC. Agenda Number: 935015277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 59156R108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 18-Jun-2019 Ticker: MET ISIN: US59156R1086 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Cheryl W. Grise Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Carlos M. Gutierrez Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Gerald L. Hassell Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: David L. Herzog Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: R. Glenn Hubbard, Mgmt For For Ph.D. 1f. Election of Director: Edward J. Kelly, III Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: William E. Kennard Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Michel A. Khalaf Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: James M. Kilts Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Catherine R. Kinney Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Diana McKenzie Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Denise M. Morrison Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of appointment of Deloitte & Mgmt For For Touche LLP as MetLife, Inc.'s Independent Auditor for 2019 3. Advisory (non-binding) vote to approve the Mgmt For For compensation paid to MetLife, Inc.'s Named Executive Officers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONSTER BEVERAGE CORPORATION Agenda Number: 934999357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 61174X109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 06-Jun-2019 Ticker: MNST ISIN: US61174X1090 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Rodney C. Sacks Mgmt For For Hilton H. Schlosberg Mgmt For For Mark J. Hall Mgmt For For Kathleen E. Ciaramello Mgmt For For Gary P. Fayard Mgmt For For Jeanne P. Jackson Mgmt For For Steven G. Pizula Mgmt For For Benjamin M. Polk Mgmt For For Sydney Selati Mgmt For For Mark S. Vidergauz Mgmt For For 2. Proposal to ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. Proposal to approve, on a non-binding, Mgmt For For advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MYLAN N.V. Agenda Number: 935044317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: N59465109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 21-Jun-2019 Ticker: MYL ISIN: NL0011031208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A. Appointment of Director: Heather Bresch Mgmt For For 1B. Appointment of Director: Hon. Robert J. Mgmt For For Cindrich 1C. Appointment of Director: Robert J. Coury Mgmt For For 1D. Appointment of Director: JoEllen Lyons Mgmt For For Dillon 1E. Appointment of Director: Neil Dimick, Mgmt For For C.P.A. 1F. Appointment of Director: Melina Higgins Mgmt For For 1G. Appointment of Director: Harry A. Korman Mgmt For For 1H. Appointment of Director: Rajiv Malik Mgmt For For 1I. Appointment of Director: Richard Mark, Mgmt For For C.P.A. 1J. Appointment of Director: Mark W. Parrish Mgmt For For 1K. Appointment of Director: Pauline van der Mgmt For For Meer Mohr 1L. Appointment of Director: Randall L. (Pete) Mgmt For For Vanderveen, Ph.D. 1M. Appointment of Director: Sjoerd S. Mgmt For For Vollebregt 2. Approval, on an advisory basis, of the Mgmt For For compensation of the named executive officers of the Company 3. Adoption of the Dutch annual accounts for Mgmt For For fiscal year 2018 4. Ratification of the selection of Deloitte & Mgmt For For Touche LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2019 5. Instruction to Deloitte Accountants B.V. Mgmt For For for the audit of the Company's Dutch statutory annual accounts for fiscal year 2019 6. Authorization of the Board to acquire Mgmt For For shares in the capital of the Company 7. Delegation to the Board of the authority to Mgmt For For issue ordinary shares and grant rights to subscribe for ordinary shares in the capital of the Company and to exclude or restrict pre-emptive rights 8. SHAREHOLDER VIEW ON DISCUSSION ITEM ONLY - Shr Against indication of support for amending Company clawback policy similar to that suggested in the shareholder proposal(Agenda Item 10) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEKTAR THERAPEUTICS Agenda Number: 935006634 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 640268108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: NKTR ISIN: US6402681083 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: R. Scott Greer Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Lutz Lingnau Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. To approve a non-binding advisory Mgmt For For resolution regarding our executive compensation (a "say-on-pay" vote). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PG&E CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935044052 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 69331C108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 21-Jun-2019 Ticker: PCG ISIN: US69331C1080 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Richard R. Barrera Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Jeffrey L. Bleich Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Nora Mead Brownell Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Frederick W. Buckman Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Cheryl F. Campbell Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Fred J. Fowler Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: William D. Johnson Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Michael J. Leffell Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Kenneth Liang Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Dominique Mielle Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Meridee A. Moore Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Eric D. Mullins Mgmt For For 1m. Election of Director: Kristine M. Schmidt Mgmt For For 1n. Election of Director: Alejandro D. Wolff Mgmt For For 2. To approve an amendment to the Mgmt For For corporation's Restated Articles of Incorporation to increase the maximum size of the corporation's board 3. To ratify the Audit Committee's appointment Mgmt For For of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for 2019 4. To provide an advisory vote on the Mgmt For For corporation's executive compensation 5. Shareholder proposal: Corporation structure Shr Against For reform 6. Shareholder proposal: Improve shareholder Shr Against For proxy access -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PVH CORP. Agenda Number: 935025367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 693656100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-Jun-2019 Ticker: PVH ISIN: US6936561009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: MARY BAGLIVO Mgmt For For 1b ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: BRENT CALLINICOS Mgmt For For 1c ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: EMANUEL CHIRICO Mgmt For For 1d ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JUAN R. FIGUEREO Mgmt For For 1e ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JOSEPH B. FULLER Mgmt For For 1f ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: V. JAMES MARINO Mgmt For For 1g ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: G. PENNY McINTYRE Mgmt For For 1h ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: AMY McPHERSON Mgmt For For 1i ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: HENRY NASELLA Mgmt For For 1j ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: EDWARD R. ROSENFELD Mgmt For For 1k ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: CRAIG RYDIN Mgmt For For 1l ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JUDITH AMANDA SOURRY Mgmt For For KNOX 2. Approval of the advisory resolution on Mgmt For For executive compensation. 3. Approval of the amendment to our Mgmt For For Certificate of Incorporation to eliminate the requirement of an 80% supermajority vote for stockholders to approve certain transactions with certain stockholders. 4. Approval of the amendment to our Mgmt For For Certificate of Incorporation to eliminate the requirement of an 80% supermajority vote for stockholders to amend our By-Laws. 5. Ratification of auditors. Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Agenda Number: 935006432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 75886F107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 14-Jun-2019 Ticker: REGN ISIN: US75886F1075 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Bonnie L. Bassler, Mgmt For For Ph.D. 1b. Election of Director: Michael S. Brown, Mgmt For For M.D. 1c. Election of Director: Leonard S. Schleifer, Mgmt For For M.D., Ph.D. 1d. Election of Director: George D. Mgmt For For Yancopoulos, M.D., Ph.D. 2. Ratification of the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROPER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agenda Number: 935013792 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 776696106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 10-Jun-2019 Ticker: ROP ISIN: US7766961061 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Shellye L. Archambeau Mgmt For For Amy Woods Brinkley Mgmt For For John F. Fort, III Mgmt For For L. Neil Hunn Mgmt For For Robert D. Johnson Mgmt For For Robert E. Knowling, Jr. Mgmt For For Wilbur J. Prezzano Mgmt For For Laura G. Thatcher Mgmt For For Richard F. Wallman Mgmt For For Christopher Wright Mgmt For For 2. To consider, on a non-binding advisory Mgmt For For basis, a resolution approving the compensation of our named executive officers. 3. To ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2019. 4. To consider a shareholder proposal Shr Against For regarding political contributions disclosure, if properly presented at the meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICENOW, INC. Agenda Number: 935000911 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 81762P102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: NOW ISIN: US81762P1021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of director: Teresa Briggs Mgmt For For 1b. Election of director: Paul E. Chamberlain Mgmt For For 1c. Election of director: Tamar O. Yehoshua Mgmt For For 2. To approve, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt For For compensation of our Named Executive Officers ("Say-on-Pay"). 3. Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Mgmt For For as the independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIRIUS XM HOLDINGS INC. Agenda Number: 935000923 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 82968B103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-Jun-2019 Ticker: SIRI ISIN: US82968B1035 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Joan L. Amble Mgmt For For George W. Bodenheimer Mgmt For For Mark D. Carleton Mgmt For For Eddy W. Hartenstein Mgmt For For James P. Holden Mgmt For For Gregory B. Maffei Mgmt For For Evan D. Malone Mgmt For For James E. Meyer Mgmt For For James F. Mooney Mgmt For For Michael Rapino Mgmt For For Kristina M. Salen Mgmt For For Carl E. Vogel Mgmt For For David M. Zaslav Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP Mgmt For For as our independent registered public accountants for 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPLUNK INC. Agenda Number: 935009870 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 848637104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 13-Jun-2019 Ticker: SPLK ISIN: US8486371045 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Class I Director: Mark Carges Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Class I Director: Elisa Steele Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Class I Director: Sri Viswanath Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for our fiscal year ending January 31, 2020. 3. To approve, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt For For compensation of our named executive officers, as described in the proxy statement. 4. Advisory vote on the frequency of future Mgmt 1 Year For advisory votes on executive compensation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUARE, INC. Agenda Number: 935012093 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 852234103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 18-Jun-2019 Ticker: SQ ISIN: US8522341036 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Jack Dorsey Mgmt For For David Viniar Mgmt For For Paul Deighton Mgmt For For Anna Patterson Mgmt For For 2. ADVISORY VOTE ON THE COMPENSATION OF OUR Mgmt For For NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-MOBILE US, INC. Agenda Number: 935011130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 872590104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 13-Jun-2019 Ticker: TMUS ISIN: US8725901040 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Srikant M. Datar Mgmt For For Srini Gopalan Mgmt For For Lawrence H. Guffey Mgmt For For Timotheus Hottges Mgmt For For Christian P. Illek Mgmt For For Bruno Jacobfeuerborn Mgmt For For Raphael Kubler Mgmt For For Thorsten Langheim Mgmt For For John J. Legere Mgmt For For G. Michael Sievert Mgmt For For Teresa A. Taylor Mgmt For For Kelvin R. Westbrook Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the Appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for Fiscal Year 2019. 3. Stockholder Proposal for Limitations on Shr Against For Accelerated Vesting of Equity Awards in the Event of a Change of Control. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET CORPORATION Agenda Number: 935008222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 87612E106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2019 Ticker: TGT ISIN: US87612E1064 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Roxanne S. Austin Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Douglas M. Baker, Jr. Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: George S. Barrett Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Brian C. Cornell Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Calvin Darden Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Henrique De Castro Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Robert L. Edwards Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Melanie L. Healey Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Donald R. Knauss Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Monica C. Lozano Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Mary E. Minnick Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Kenneth L. Salazar Mgmt For For 1m. Election of Director: Dmitri L. Stockton Mgmt For For 2. Company proposal to ratify the appointment Mgmt For For of Ernst & Young LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm. 3. Company proposal to approve, on an advisory Mgmt For For basis, our executive compensation (Say on Pay). 4. Shareholder proposal to amend the proxy Shr Against For access bylaw to remove candidate resubmission threshold. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESLA, INC. Agenda Number: 935014275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 88160R101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 11-Jun-2019 Ticker: TSLA ISIN: US88160R1014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Class III Director: Ira Mgmt For For Ehrenpreis 1.2 Election of Class III Director: Kathleen Mgmt For For Wilson-Thompson 2. Tesla proposal to approve the Tesla, Inc. Mgmt For For 2019 Equity Incentive Plan 3. Tesla proposal to approve the Tesla, Inc. Mgmt For For 2019 Employee Stock Purchase Plan 4. Tesla proposal to approve and adopt Mgmt For For amendments to certificate of incorporation and bylaws to eliminate applicable supermajority voting requirements 5. Tesla proposal to approve amendment to Mgmt For For certificate of incorporation to reduce director terms from three years to two years 6. Tesla proposal to ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Tesla's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019 7. Stockholder proposal regarding a public Shr Against For policy committee 8. Stockholder proposal regarding simple Shr Against For majority voting provisions in governing documents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE KROGER CO. Agenda Number: 935024101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 501044101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 27-Jun-2019 Ticker: KR ISIN: US5010441013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Nora A. Aufreiter Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Anne Gates Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Susan J. Kropf Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: W. Rodney McMullen Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Jorge P. Montoya Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Clyde R. Moore Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: James A. Runde Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Ronald L. Sargent Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Bobby S. Shackouls Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Mark S. Sutton Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Ashok Vemuri Mgmt For For 2. Approval, on an advisory basis, of Kroger's Mgmt For For executive compensation. 3. Approval of Kroger's 2019 Long-Term Mgmt For For Incentive Plan. 4. Approval of an amendment to Kroger's Mgmt For For Regulations to permit Board amendments in accordance with Ohio law. 5. Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Mgmt For For as auditors. 6. A shareholder proposal, if properly Shr Against For presented, to issue a report assessing the environmental impacts of using unrecyclable packaging for private label brands. 7. A shareholder proposal, if properly Shr Against For presented, to adopt a policy and amend the bylaws as necessary to require the Chair of the Board to be independent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VMWARE, INC. Agenda Number: 935027018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 928563402 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Jun-2019 Ticker: VMW ISIN: US9285634021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 2. An advisory vote to approve named executive Mgmt For For officer compensation, as described in VMware's Proxy Statement. 3. To approve an amendment to the Amended and Mgmt For For Restated 2007 Equity and Incentive Plan. 4. To approve an amendment to the Amended and Mgmt For For Restated 2007 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. 5. To ratify the selection by the Audit Mgmt For For Committee of VMware's Board of Directors of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as VMware's independent auditor for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2020. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WALMART INC. Agenda Number: 935000872 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 931142103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-Jun-2019 Ticker: WMT ISIN: US9311421039 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Cesar Conde Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Stephen J. Mgmt For For Easterbrook 1c. Election of Director: Timothy P. Flynn Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Sarah J. Friar Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Carla A. Harris Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Thomas W. Horton Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Marissa A. Mayer Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: C. Douglas McMillon Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Gregory B. Penner Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Steven S Reinemund Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: S. Robson Walton Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Steuart L. Walton Mgmt For For 2. Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Mgmt For For Officer Compensation 3. Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as Mgmt For For Independent Accountants 4. Request to Strengthen Prevention of Shr Against For Workplace Sexual Harassment 5. Request to Adopt Cumulative Voting Shr Against For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WELLCARE HEALTH PLANS, INC. Agenda Number: 935041587 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 94946T106 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 24-Jun-2019 Ticker: WCG ISIN: US94946T1060 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger, Mgmt For For dated as of March 26, 2019 (the "Merger Agreement"), by and among Centene Corporation, Wellington Merger Sub I, Inc., Wellington Merger Sub II, Inc. and WellCare Health Plans, Inc. ("WellCare"), as may be amended from time to time (the "Merger Agreement Proposal"). 2. To approve, on a non-binding advisory Mgmt For For basis, compensation payable to executive officers of WellCare in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement. 3. To approve any proposal to adjourn the Mgmt For For special meeting of stockholders of WellCare (the "WellCare Special Meeting") from time to time, if necessary or appropriate, to solicit additional proxies in the event there are not sufficient votes at the time of the WellCare Special Meeting to approve the Merger Agreement Proposal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORKDAY, INC. Agenda Number: 935009868 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 98138H101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 18-Jun-2019 Ticker: WDAY ISIN: US98138H1014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Carl M. Eschenbach Mgmt For For Michael M. McNamara Mgmt For For Jerry Yang Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as Workday, Inc.'s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2020. 3. Advisory vote on named executive officer Mgmt For For compensation. * Management position unknown
SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. (Registrant) Tidal ETF Trust By (Signature) /s/ Eric W. Falkeis Name Eric W. Falkeis Title President Date 8/29/2019